Bill Gates Buys Up Land in Arizona to Create ‘Smart City’ – IOTW Report

Bill Gates Buys Up Land in Arizona to Create ‘Smart City’

Breitbart: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has announced his plans to develop his own “smart city” in Arizona.

Arizona NBC affiliate 12 News reports that an investment firm linked to Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has spent $80 million to begin the development of a “smart city” in the far West Valley of Arizona. The community proposed by Gates, near downtown Phoenix, is comprised of approximately 25,000 acres and will be named Belmont.



In a news release, Belmont Partners stated:

Belmont will create a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology, designed around high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and distribution models, autonomous vehicles and autonomous logistics hubs.

3,800 acres of the land will reportedly be zoned for commercial and office space, and 470 acres will be allotted for public schooling. It’s projected that approximately 80,000 residential units will be installed on the land for the city’s inhabitants.  read more

41 Comments on Bill Gates Buys Up Land in Arizona to Create ‘Smart City’

  1. Yeah, I really want to live in a smart city. Talk about losing you entire sense of self determination. I can just imagine, get a snack and too many calories, sleep in and not enough exercise, take a shit and you are using too much TP, take a piss and it becomes your drinking water. I think I’ll pass.

  2. He’s going to look real stupid when left wing activists sue him because his city in not diverse. No Section 8 housing, no low income housing, no half way housing, no high density living. No jail, no welfare offices, no union controlled schools, no emergency shelters, no free emergency rooms, no free doctors or dentists. What could possibly go wrong in a Socialist development?

  3. Welcome to CtrlAltDeleteVille.

    We will Ctrl every aspect of your life
    Alt lifestyles will predominate.
    We will Delete you if you are noncompliant.

    Don’t the chicoms build cities like this?

  4. Why doesn’t he go to Mexico and build a smart city for all the Illegals that are here and all the other billion foreigners, from wherever, who want to be here! One big happy family under the benign love, and the dictatorship of Gates (maybe he could hire Yebby Bush and Pimple puss Zuckerberg to assist)!

  5. Sorry, Bill, but we already have a Bellemont up on I-40. (Spelled slightly differently). It would be a smart city if it weren’t prone to a tornado strike every now and then.
    May I suggest you rename yours ‘BlueScreen’?

  6. If it was a “smart city”, it would not be in Arizona. Too dam hot is one reason. importing water iis the other.
    Roll up your blueprints and make a “smart suppository”, take the next step. Jam it all the way up!

  7. Nope, no immigrants or vagrants in Bill’s new city. Gates will make sure they can’t move in or stay any length of time and yes, there’s an app for that.

  8. Only Liberals would live there and they will expect Republicans to be their worker class, coming in to fix everything in Little Moscow while they save the world on their Keyboard. Eventually they will have all the Modern Cities !

  9. SmartMeters, Wifi, Cell Towers have been designated as “possibly carcinogenic” … possibly for “political reasons” of course. People everywhere are getting ill, insomnia, irritable, lowered immunity, gets lowered even further … this stuff is NOT NATURAL OR NORMAL for all living cells. Take a plant and put it right up against a SmartMeter — IT DIES! … the 5G is going to decimate us all … this smart city will be a death city. Check out lessemfdotcom for protection and for repair of the cells.

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