Bill Gates: Criticism of China Coronavirus Deception a ‘Distraction’ — ‘I Think There’s a Lot of Incorrect and Unfair Things Said’ – IOTW Report

Bill Gates: Criticism of China Coronavirus Deception a ‘Distraction’ — ‘I Think There’s a Lot of Incorrect and Unfair Things Said’


During an interview that aired on Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,”  Microsoft co-founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bill Gates argued against a focus on China for allegations it mishandled the early stages of the coronavirus breakout and could have act early to have prevented the global pandemic.

Gates said it was not timely and it was also a “distraction.”

“I don’t think that’s a timely thing because it doesn’t affect how we act today,” Gates said. “You know, China did a lot of things right at the beginning, like any country where a virus first shows up. They can look back and say they missed some things. Some countries did respond very quickly. They get their testing in place and they avoided the incredible economic pain. It’s sad that even the U.S. that you would have expected to do this well did it particularly poorly. But it’s not time to talk about that.”

“This is the time to take the great science we have — the fact we’re in this together, you know, fixed testing, treatments, and get that vaccine and minimize the trillions of dollars and many things you that you can’t even dimensionalize in economic terms that are awful about the situation we’re in,” he continued. “So, that’s a distraction. I think there’s a lot of incorrect and unfair things said, but it’s not even time for that discussion.” WATCH

SNIP: What a piece of s#it.

30 Comments on Bill Gates: Criticism of China Coronavirus Deception a ‘Distraction’ — ‘I Think There’s a Lot of Incorrect and Unfair Things Said’

  1. This guy came out of the woodwork just in time to be leg-humped by the media. Now that he’s running interference for the ChiComs it makes you wonder what his agenda is.

  2. A guy who screwed over his partners, and built an Operating System that can’t run more then 20 minutes without crashing is going to lecture me about how his Chinese friends didn’t let his weaponized virus get loose?
    We all know damn well he owns the patent on the vaccine.

  3. on the evilo’meter he is right up there w/ hillary.

    wants globally mandated vaccinations w/ tracking chip to verify citzns vaccination status before they can participate in society

    he’s done hideous vax stuff in india and africa

    brix and fauci and family are tightly tied to gates

  4. “They get their testing in place and they avoided the incredible economic pain.”

    Which countries is he referring to?

    I was under the impression that the economic problems were happening worldwide, which ones avoided it (by that early testing )and how did they avoid it?

  5. I can’t conceive a single reason why this guy should be yapping about it, at all!

    The sentient don’t GAF about his opinion and the morons don’t know who he is – so – what’s the point? Just to impress the easily impressionable in the press? The press bows to celebrity – the richer the celebrity the lower the bow – till their foreheads have shit-stains like the “fervently devoted” musselmen.

    Their fawning sycophancy is disgusting.
    And his babbling nonsensical bullshit is laughable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. WTF does…..”and many things you that you can’t even dimensionalize in economic terms that are awful about the situation we’re in…..” mean?

  7. wot?

    you don’t “dimensionalize” in economic terms?
    there’s a heuristic paradigmitic conceptualization that’s basically, fundamentally, and not ironically beyond the focusization of the mere pedestrian.
    It’s the quantum vivisectionalizational omnistipone of corroborative cumulation.


  8. A guy that puts out Vista with the brand new computer I got which never worked well, what a pain, and wasn’t capable of running a newer os. The older computer i had with ME kind of worked slow, but then they discontinue the support.
    To big to do anything right.

  9. So your neighbor sends his sick flu ridden kids over your
    house to play telling you it’s just allergies and your kids
    get sick as dogs. Being mad as hell with the bastard ain’t
    a bloody “distraction”. It’s time for face pounding.

  10. My theory is some high percentage of people drop 10 points off their wisdom IQ for every million bucks they acquire in wealth. While their IQ for accumulating more wealth remains in tact and functional. BG is one of them.


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