Bill Gates Gets Fast-Track Approval for a NEW Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Safety Concerns – IOTW Report

Bill Gates Gets Fast-Track Approval for a NEW Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Safety Concerns

But first, this:

Envolve: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has provided funding for the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine, SKYCovion, which has recently gained regulatory approval from the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The vaccine is now authorized for use in multiple countries globally, with a particular focus on underdeveloped nations.

Developed in South Korea, SKYCovion combines a portion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein with GSK’s AS03 adjuvant technology in a self-assembled nanoparticle vaccine. However, it is important to note that the MHRA has highlighted several critical points regarding the vaccine’s use and limitations.

The duration of protection provided by SKYCovion is still being determined, as ongoing clinical trials continue to assess its efficacy. The vaccine’s effectiveness and safety have not been evaluated in immunocompromised individuals, including those undergoing immunosuppressant therapy. Furthermore, the vaccine’s impact on pregnant women and whether it is excreted in breast milk remain unknown. more

with a particular focus on underdeveloped nations.

35 Comments on Bill Gates Gets Fast-Track Approval for a NEW Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Safety Concerns

  1. Thank you Dr. Gates, but no thank you. However, let me know when you have an operating system on a computer that isn’t a piece of crap, not that I would buy it.

  2. I seem to recall the so called “underdeveloped nations” gave a big middle finger to any mass coof-19 vaccine adoption. And they fared much better than so called “developed nations” that went full retard with vaccines. At the same time all the so-called “experts” told us on the TeeVee these “underdeveloped nations” would be completely wiped out because they couldn’t freeze, afford, distribute, etc, the vaccine. These experts didn’t understand, couldn’t understand, refused to understand there was a much more effective vaccination already served up in these nations — Ivermectin.

    These globalists, satanic, power hungry, money hungry tyrants — Like Billy Gates — won’t stop until they get their fame and money for ACTUALLY completely wiping out these nations.

    Why doesn’t Billy focus on serving up the vaccine to developed nations? Because we are educated on what happens. No one here is lining up to get jabbed, even slow learning freaks like Megan Rapinoe finally quit after 5 or 6 doses. I don’t see the cameras on Kamala or Turdeau or Kim Jong Newsome receiving a Fauci Ouchie anymore. There’s only one market left.

  3. I’m sure many of you remember when the word “vaccine “ was defined as a treatment that promoted immunity and thus prevented the transmission to others. That definition has fallen by the wayside , like so many others. e.g. man, woman.

  4. What Wylie1 said,
    You first, Bill.
    And second, and third, and fourth……

  5. What has the far right come up with? ZERO, just get & suffer or die. Ivermectin is focking useless, every study it came up ZERO for covid. I just love coming here for the horseshit. He loves the uneducated & it shows.

  6. I can say this I never took a death jab, I never wore a mask except at hospital and doctor with my husband, I never social distanced and I haven’t died or been sick or hospitalized. I can’t say the same for too many to count family, friends and acquaintances who are either dead, constantly sick, can’t walk or have these weird permanent rashes on their face that look like they’ve been punched in the nose and mouth that took the death jab. Heck over half of a local city’s police department have died. All between the ages of 30 and 50, no explanation just either found dead at home or died in their patrol cars from apparent heart attacks they say.

  7. Anonymous, do the world a favor, load up on all your Covid vaccinations and boosters, please. Oh, and keep telling yourself Ivermectin doesn’t work. Four of us caught Covid same time. Three of us took Ivermectin and lived. My brother went with the hospital’s Covid regimen, including Remdesivir, and was murdered. At the time there were doctors in Florida and Texas who put their careers on the line by treating victims with Ivermectin. It was impossible to get on the waiting list for a medivac flight, they were all full. Wealthy patients from all over the U S are alive today because they were flown out of state to get Ivermectin. So, you be a good loser and keep up to date on your boosters.

  8. @Wylie1, High Ho Silver & away.
    Not one study supports what those quacks claim. So the whole medical establishment is wrong & a few ambulance chasers are right. Then way does Trump take the jabs? He clearly doesn’t follow legal advice.

  9. the medical establishment dindus knew they were wrong but decided to suck fauci/feces/communist-dog-sucker/nazis-infesting-healthcare dick & swallow. they were compromised or threatened by sniffer joe’s gubmint lawyer-twats.

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