Bill Gates: ‘Shutting down’ economy ‘nowhere near sufficient’ to stop climate change – IOTW Report

Bill Gates: ‘Shutting down’ economy ‘nowhere near sufficient’ to stop climate change

Just the News: Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, said the coronavirus pandemic demonstrates that “simply shutting down” the U.S. economy won’t bring about net zero carbon emissions to fight climate change.

Gates said the emissions reductions from the pandemic were “quite modest,” despite the drastic drop in air travel and car travel.

“Simply shutting down is not going to get to our goal, so just as we need breakthrough innovation for COVID-19, we also need that to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change,” Gates said during the annual meeting for the National Academy of Medicine. “This crosses many areas — how we make electricity, how we make industrial products, grow food, cool our buildings and all of transportation.” 

Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said the pandemic has taught humans a lot about climate change, emphasizing that decreased air and auto travel hasn’t made a huge impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero. read more

40 Comments on Bill Gates: ‘Shutting down’ economy ‘nowhere near sufficient’ to stop climate change

  1. Climate change is natural and mankind can have no significant effect on it.

    Climate change totalitarianism, on the other hand, is real but unnatural, and we have solutions to that problem. At least we do here in the U.S. what with the 2nd Amendment and all.

  2. Hey Bill. When will you be moving out of your mansion ? I’m sure it is definitely causing a big carbon footprint

    You have more money than you can ever spend so please just leave the rest of us alone

  3. We’re living at the pinnacle of human existence, (so far), with the highest standard of living and fantastic medicines to keep us healthy. Quality of life has never been better. So these ignorant super rich socialists want to tear it all down for a fairy tale based on absolutely no evidence. None of the climate predictions of the past 40 years both cooling and warming have come true. Gates is much more evil than the Hannibal Lecter character considering the misery and death that would result from his “solutions”.

  4. Nuclear power (preferably Thorium Molten Salt) is the solution, but everyone panicked after 3 Mile Island and Chernoble.
    If the original molten salt reactor experiment had continued past the 1960’s (Thanks for killing it Tricky Dick Nixon) we would all be thriving in almost free electric energy worldwide and all of the atomic waste left over from the first generation fusion reators and bombs would just about be used up.

  5. Said the man who built a 66,000 square foot house in Medina on Lk Washington, for which this year’s real estate taxes were north of $1.4 millions on the property’s value of $147,500,000.00

    66,000 square feet. Enough room for 23, 3000 sf homes. 1 house for two people and children home for Christmas vacation.

    Self-awareness about “climate change” among people like him is rare. Every single one of the most ardent climate conspiracy theorists lives in an unsustainable home, the size of which is directly proportionate to the size of their microphone and the length of their harangue.

  6. The general opinion about Bill Gates among people we know in high tech, including Mr Illustr8r, is that Microsoft lifts ideas from other companies (Apple), isn’t innovative, they buy what they can’t create or compete with, then screw up what worked or disappear it entirely.

    Bill’s not the guy I want in charge of my healthcare or near this country’s economy.

  7. I other words, Gates would like the world population decreased by 50-80%, so that the enlightened wealthy could have just enough servants to satisfy their needs without the unwashed masses depleting the worlds resources. I despise him and the enlightened wealthy friends of bill.

  8. Makes me want to buy a second laptop, scrub all Windows from it, and download Linux OS. (But I’m gonna need some help). Then transfer all my stuff from my first laptop (Win10), then convert that one to Linux (again, I’m gonna need help).

  9. OK smot guy … explain the Penultimate Glacial Period, the Last Glacial Maximum, and the Medieval Warming Period in terms of industrialization.

    What? Never heard of em? Maybe you ain’t so smot as you think?
    Ax them computer-modeling yokels you hire.

    Everybody out here in flyover country laughs about this shit all the time!
    You fukkin smot guys are all morons! Probably comes from surrounding yourselves with paid yes-men stooges who are too scared to tell you the facts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. From what Gates says there is but a small step to seriously consider even more drastic population controls well beyond abortion. Like, fr’instance, eliminating the feeble minded, incurables, older WHITE MEN, and other undesirables. It’s post birth abortion carried to its logical but terrible outcome.

    Yes, we billions of humans are all super guilty of damage to mother earth. We are all to be blamed for our insatiable appetites for more of everything, especially things that consume fuels, which is just about everything.

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