Bill Gates Visits Trump Tower; Compares Him To JFK – IOTW Report

Bill Gates Visits Trump Tower; Compares Him To JFK

Breitbart: Billionaire Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates traveled to Trump Tower on Tuesday afternoon for a visit with President-elect Donald Trump.

Earlier in the day, Gates praised Trump on CNBC for his message to make America a better place economically, and compared him to former President John F. Kennedy.

“In the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that, I think whether it’s education or stopping epidemics, other health breakthroughs, finishing polio and in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that his administration is going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation.”  more


SNIP: I don’t trust Bill Gates. What’s going on here? I think Gates is a$$-ki$$ing Trump to float him some taxpayer cash for his  projects.
Bill, go fund yourself.

13 Comments on Bill Gates Visits Trump Tower; Compares Him To JFK

  1. MJA — haha! Yup. I especially like that these clods are having to make the pilgrimage to Trump’s golden Tower. There is a slow leak in these globalists’ whoop-de-doo cushions! LOL Gates and his billions, trying to buy grace the same way the blue bloods bought their church pew.

    Seriously, it warms the cockles of my heart to watch Trump operate on all these operators. He wrote the book on it and these guys end up in the lobby sans trousers, all the while smiling for the cameras and praising Trump to the rafters. Amen!

  2. Rush said the millennial tech bloggers are devastated by this. They can’t believe Gates didn’t come out decrying Trump to be Hitler. And now all the tech guys are starting to come around. Once the blow of losing subsided and Trump called them all in they are starting to realize maybe it isn’t going to be so bad a capitalist is going to run the show and let them in the sandbox. A strategy chip on his shoulder Obama would not be capable of executing.

  3. Gates doesn’t need Trump’s money. I think maybe he’s starting to come around to the idea that Trump’s not a complete whack job after all. I’m inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, at least for now.

  4. Gates may think he can manipulate Trump into gypping taxpayers. Instead, Gates is going to end up spending some of his billions stash helping Trump make America great again.

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