Bill Gates wants to save you from the Sun – IOTW Report

Bill Gates wants to save you from the Sun

According to Reuters, a Harvard University project plans to test out a controversial theory that global warming can be stopped by spraying particles into the atmosphere that would reflect the sun’s rays.


Bill Gates’ Savior Complex Spirals Out of Control, Funds Sun-Dimming Plan To Save the Human Race.

Bill Gates is now best known as a philanthropist, not the guy who started Microsoft or was the avatar for everyone’s annoyance with Windows 95.

He’s also known for wanting to save us from ourselves.

Now, apparently, he wants to save us from the sun.

Gates, for those of you who don’t follow these things, has been big on both vaccination and pandemic prevention. Fair enough. That certainly means his moment has arrived.

However, he’s about as much of a lockdown guy as you can get — which is just fine if you’re a billionaire who can afford to hide away as if this were Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death,” but the real-world consequences for the rest of us can be, ahem, problematic.

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52 Comments on Bill Gates wants to save you from the Sun

  1. He’s a modern day idiot very wealthy version of Icarus who flew too close to the Sun thinking that his immense wealth can protect him from burning up. And he probably thinks that his shit doesn’t stink as well either. I am not a Bill Gates fan nor Jeff Bezos either with their immense fortunes. Like Bugs would say, “What an ultramaroon.”

  2. It’s all a scam…
    The ‘everyday” man has to sacrifices everything to supposedly save the world and in reality the “everyday” man sacrifices everything so that the wealthy and elite sacrifice nothing.
    I am through!!!
    Fuck Bill Gates. Fuck Leonardo Dicaprio. Fuck Prince Harry!
    Fuck ALL elites!

  3. Reducing solar insolation during the current solar minimum that may well turn into a “Grand Solar Minimum” is so beyond the pale of reason that if you include it with his worldwide push of dubious vaccines, he really might be the maniac mass murderer that some think he is.

  4. I saw an academic presentation about ten years ago that evinced the same premise. I hereticaly asked after the speech during the Q&A, “Are you suggesting that if we release particles into the air, such as soot, we could significantly reduce global warming?”
    I was answered by the climate scientist clearly in the affirmative, “Yes, my study suggests that would work.”
    I was gobsmacked to hear that ecological heresy in a global warming talk. But there you are.
    Burn more coal to stop global warming….

  5. What audacity to try to alter the natural ecosystem. Let’s talk about all the animals introduced to areas that became worse than the original problem.

    He’s no genius, just evil and full of himself.

    #1 reason he’s stupid evil? You’want to take away the natural UV light that kills C-19 and produces Vit D in our skin? No thank you. You need to be shot if you attempt this genocidal plot.

  6. Nevermind Bill Gates, the philanthropist, who wants to save people by keeping bars and restaurants shut and everyone locked in their homes,

    1.8% of coof infections come from bars and restaurants, while
    78% of coof infections come from indoor homes.

    Now, I don’t claim to be a philanthropist, but it seems to me that if I was looking to save lives I would keep the bars and restaurants open and people outside of their homes.

    I’m also not a doom and gloomer type of guy, but I scratch my head and wonder why people like Bill Gates is trying to kill us under the guise of trying to save us.

    Side story: I was at the dentist today, he’s 64 years old, about to retire and he mentioned his wife got infected with the coof but was over it in 4 days. Then he said to me with a straight face, “We don’t know how she got it. She wears a mask 100% of the time when outside of the house. It was impossible for her to get it. We think it might have come in thru her eyes.”

    I said masks are worthless. He said yeah because they don’t protect the eyes. I just stopped myself right there, the guy was about to drill my tooth. Stupidity has infiltrated 100%.

  7. It is not enough to be rich beyond avarice – the nihilist must supplant God.
    Gates cannot stand the fact that he’s not God and will do everything with his formidable wealth to attain that throne.

    Sadly (or not) he is mortal and will die terrified at the Revelation of the Living God.
    He clings to his imagined ascendancy and his atheism as does a baby to his pacifier – but it will avail him NOTHING.
    Sorry, Bill, just because you surround yourself with ass-sucking sycophants doesn’t mean you’re God – it just means you can afford to surround yourself with ass-sucking sycophants. It’s really a shame that there’s nobody in your life who can say “Bill! That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard since the last Joey Biden speech!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. My husband is onto something, when he burns tires to clean fence rows there is the biggest black cloud of smoke, it takes half a day before you ever see the sun. We’re okay we’re doing our part Mr Gates!

  9. Yeah, lets really mess around with the plant’s climate at the whim of a felon who couldn’t even write a operating system that keeps running.
    This is a really, really, bad idea Gates.

  10. I’ve often thought that a real man made climate disaster will likely be triggered by climate cult fucktards trying to “fix” the imaginary climate disaster they so want to be true because it justifies their hatred of Mankind and love of genocide.

  11. This is a long video, but this old gal seems to have hit a home run on the total worldwide lockdowns.
    She ties together the COVID 19, control of space, control of all technologies, and the people.
    Could the vaccine be away of introducing a nanotechnology version of the Mark of the Beast.

  12. Welp, like the seditious gay Kenyan commie said, “At some point you’ve made enough money.” Time for the government to tax Bill Gates to the tune of 100%. As an Obama lover he shouldn’t have any problem with that.

  13. WTF?!! Geo-engineering has been going on for years and now they’re finally announcing (confessing to) it? The sky is daily being filled with barium, aluminum, and other crap from purposeful back and forth flyovers. They’re called CHEMTRAILS and of course if you point them out (they’re frickin’ OBVIOUS) you’re a conspiracy nut. I suppose they think people are finally dumbed down enough to accept that they will be poisoned and not care. They probably are.

  14. Ivan is right, that slimy little piece of shit was able to steal the platform and add a couple of things to it, and with the aid of his well connected father steal any rights from the REAL inventors and make that little moron king of windows!


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