Bill has a roving eye…Hillary has a roving eye… – IOTW Report

Bill has a roving eye…Hillary has a roving eye…

VIDEO: MORE Hillary eye problems aboard campaign plane.

AmericanMirror: Problems highlighted last week about Hillary Clinton’s eyes not appearing to be syncing with each other continued as she addressed the media aboard her campaign plane on Tuesday.

A video compilation produced by The American Mirror shows several instances of Clinton’s left eye seemingly acting independent from her right, before correcting.

SNIP: And what is going on with her front teeth?!

4 Comments on Bill has a roving eye…Hillary has a roving eye…

  1. They can’t keep her jacked up all the time. But her MSM fanboyz and gurls on the plane haven’t been told about any of this, of course. It must be frustrating to always be playing catch- up in finding out what you should have hidden.

  2. Slightly OT, but concerning the clip from Philly, why does she focus her concern solely on freshly minted college graduates? Is it not equally disturbing that I, as a middle-aged worker, had to send out 4,500 resumes in 2003-4 just to get only 14 interviews which yielded only ONE job offer at a crappy company offering substandard pay and benefits?

    She doesn’t care about mature workers? Good. Then I don’t care if she loses the election.

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