Bill Maher Slams Libs Defending Censorship Of Hunter Laptop: “he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden” – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Slams Libs Defending Censorship Of Hunter Laptop: “he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden”

Legal Insurrection

Every once in a while Bill Maher gets something right. On a recent show, Maher shocked has-been actor Rob Reiner with the fact that the media has finally admitted that the Hunter Biden laptop was not only real but that they buried it to ensure that President Trump was not reelected.

Here at LI, we covered the Hunter Biden laptop story, the media purposefully ignoring it, and Big Tech purposefully throttling it on social media.  The latter we’ve since learned occurred because the DOJ and its enforcement arm, the FBI, have determined that meddling in elections to promote Democrats is part of their job description.

Unfortunately, not enough people who might have changed their minds about voting for Biden are plugged into right media, including sites like LI.  And obviously, those on the left, like Rob Reiner, have no clue what is actually going on because they live in a bubble that is never penetrated by uncomfortable truths because the legacy media works with and supports Democrats rather than providing information to the public. more here

13 Comments on Bill Maher Slams Libs Defending Censorship Of Hunter Laptop: “he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden”

  1. Reiner is a shit head who can’t figure out that none of the Jan 6 event would even exist if it were not for the OBVIOUS criminal activity of Democrats and the FBI leading up to the 2020 election!!!

  2. Every once in a while Bill Maher gets something right.

    Yeah, but he sure is a slooow learner! Some of us knew Jackass Joe was selling information and access when he was the Number One Observatory Circle Jerk in the Øbamboozler’s administration! Certainly someone like Maher (who acts like he knows everything) should have known that too! And just as certainly by the time the laptop surfaced three years ago in 2019 he should have been aware of it! The only conclusion that can be arrived at is that Maher was just as guilty as anyone else about covering up/ignoring it until recently when it is just too obvious to deny! So yeah, he got something right, but only after the wheels of time twisted his arm enough to say something about it! He gets no applause from me!

  3. Maher is a snake. FUCK him!!! And no, he doesn’t get something right every once in a while. He’s from the which way the winds’ blowing today school of ‘journalism’. I can’t imagine why anyone would trust the son of a bitch.

  4. “Bill Maher Slams Libs Defending Censorship Of Hunter Laptop: “he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden” ”

    Maher knew about the lap top from the get go and he did nothing to bring it to light. Nope, and to try and come out against the Biden’s, you’re only trying to bolster your viewers. I don’t listen to atheists, I have no use for you Maher or Joe Rogan. Liberals suck….Rogan likes Bernie Sanders.

  5. Not surprising that chronically cranked liberals would defend criminal activities. After all, their parents are lowlifes who never bothered or cared to school their now-dysfunctional meth-head adult children properly.

  6. It’s enough that he said it. He’s a conduit to the moronic masses of institutionally ignorant.

    He should be encouraged to speak facts in a more timely manner.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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