Bill Maher Snipes at Hollywood Hypocrisy on Guns – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Snipes at Hollywood Hypocrisy on Guns


The anti-woke liberal late night host, Bill Maher, slammed Hollywood for their hypocrisy on gun control and other woke issues on his show “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

“It’s funny. Hollywood is the wokest place on Earth, and every other area of social responsibility. They have intimacy coordinators on set to chaperone sex scenes. They hire sensitivity readers to go through and read scripts. Disney stood up to the “Don’t Say Gay” law. Another studio spent $10 million to digitally remove Kevin Spacey from a movie. But when it comes to the unbridled romanticization of gun violence, crickets,” Maher said Friday night.

And sure enough, Hollywood constantly injects woke nonsense into entertainment, making sure to be “inclusive,” or to “dismantle patriarchy” or slam conservative and American values in any way they can. Many actors and Hollywood elites often slam gun violence, as well. Yet despite that, movies continue to get more and more gun-filled and violent. more

4 Comments on Bill Maher Snipes at Hollywood Hypocrisy on Guns

  1. Not hypocrisy at all; the continuous showing of gun violence is intended to convince the public that bad guys have guns and thus guns are evil. When has a gun been used by a good guy who wasn’t a cop?

  2. Bill Maher, less than intellectual comedian hypocrite.
    I’d still like to see someone smack that dick of a nose off his face.
    Gee, was that too shaming and vengeful?
    Well, just shoot me.


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