Bill Maher Trashes ‘Prick,’ ‘Smirkface’ Covington Kid with ‘S***-Eating Grin’ – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Trashes ‘Prick,’ ‘Smirkface’ Covington Kid with ‘S***-Eating Grin’


Newsbusters: On Friday’s Real Time show on HBO, host Bill Maher tore into Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, deriding him as a “prick” and a “smirkface” who has a “s***-eating grin.” He ended up making a pedophilia joke as he cracked that he doesn’t know “what Catholic priests see in these kids.”

After beginning his opening monlogue by making his latest attacks on President Donald Trump, he then segued to the controversy around video of Sandmann and Native American activist Nathan Phillips standing face to face amid a group of protesters while Phillips beat a drum.

In spite of video that surfaced later showing that it was Phillips who approached Sandmann and got in his face, Maher still blamed high school student Sandmann for their proximity as the HBO comedian made snide comments to supposedly poke fun at the story.  more here

34 Comments on Bill Maher Trashes ‘Prick,’ ‘Smirkface’ Covington Kid with ‘S***-Eating Grin’

  1. I was just looking at Gateway’s headlines and there are at least two or three more people who are going on the libel suit/death threat list. These boys are going to be quite wealthy when this is all said and done. At least those threatening and besmirching them have got a bit of money. And they will soon be relieved of some of that burden.

  2. Covington? That’s so last week. All the cool jerks are now making jokes about Roger Stone and prison rape. Catch up, Bill. Better run like hell on those short little legs.

  3. Projection. The misanthropic little boy just can’t stop making himself look small.

    His more-masculine-than-him girlfriend Ann Coulter also deserves to fall face-first in a pile of fresh manure for trashing the President. How many about-faces is that, Angus?

  4. How could this guy be so unaware of his own expressions? I’ve never seen Maher when he wasn’t smirking. Sandmann was an innocent kid who at first thought the guy with the drum was going along with the chanting. Adults attacking kids for political reasons is just reprehensible.

  5. Isn’t Bill a little late to the game? It is pretty lame to run with a debunked scandal a week later but whatever, this is who they are and no one calls them on it (although hopefully this time they will and we’ll see that smirk disappear).

  6. If Maher only realized that he could do more good by playing a realistic corpse on those television detective shows than he does by smirking and playing the fool on his own show he would be seen as being more relevant and useful!


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