Bill Maher Went on CNN and Triggered the Entire Audience – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Went on CNN and Triggered the Entire Audience

Townhall: Bill Maher is just asking to be canceled, but he doesn’t care. This isn’t the first time he’s duked it out with people of the “woke” mindset. He has slapped down guests who have been apologists for radical Islam. He’s pro-free speech. He’s not a political correctness junkie either. He’s still a classical liberal, just not insane. It’s quite an evolutionary tale. In less than a generation, the Democratic base has become so insane that Bill Maher looks conservative. There are others like him. Data scientist David Shor, a self-described progressive, knows that some of his own views simply do not sit well with most voters. He has warned Democrats for months about how they need to expand their messaging strategies beyond the professional elites that dominate the party brass nowadays. 

On CNN, Bill Maher’s interview with Chris Cuomo zeroed in on this cancer eating away at Democrats—and it’s not hard to figure out. The party has lost all common sense. Nicholas Fondacaro of Newsbusters clipped and wrote about this one-on-one interview that probably infuriated CNN’s audience.

Maher had to explain to Fredo how CRT is being practically applied in the classroom: “Kids are taught and sometimes separated into groups, oppressor and oppressed. Again, does a kid even know what those words mean? Would they gravitate toward that if you hadn’t told them?” MORE

12 Comments on Bill Maher Went on CNN and Triggered the Entire Audience

  1. I suspect, but can’t prove, that Maher’s primary concern isn’t so much what the current democrat party espouses, but rather that it is losing them elections. Or as David Shor said: “they (dems) need to expand their messaging strategies…”

  2. Ratings. We already know what they are. Now they’re just adjusting their prices because of inflation.

    I don’t watch tee vee. I’m not giving any more of my hard-earned money to Comcast than I am forced to give for internet service.

  3. Like any liberal, Bill is an easy one for the left to eliminate. They do it to their own and they don’t care either – like Bill. I have no warm feelings about the guy – or any liberal.

  4. The question that keeps going thru my mind is “Where was this guy two years ago when we all knew what he’s just now finding out??? He’s either a slooow learner or he’s reading the tea leaves and trying to bolster his sagging credibility. Frankly I think he knew exactly what was going on a couple of years ago, five years ago and so on. He’s just blowing with the wind!
    I’ll tolerate to him, but I ain’t putting him up on any pedestal!

  5. I know several people who have suffered arrested development, being democrat, thinking they’re peter pan or something.
    Looks like maybe Bill’s finally growing up – some do.
    Most don’t. Kudos to him.

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