Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’ – IOTW Report

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

DC: Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children.

Nye asked one of the panelists on the Tuesday episode of his Netflix show “Bill Nye Saves The Earth” if it would be a good idea to have the government penalize having “extra kids.”



“Should we have policies that penalize people for having extra kids in the developed world?” Nye asked Travis Rieder, an academic for Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University.

“I do think we should at least consider it,” said Rieder, who believes that limiting the size of families is paramount to fighting global warming.

“Well, ‘at least consider it’ is like, ‘do it,’” Nye replied. Conservatives have had a field day lampooning the former children’s TV host over the content of his new show, which is directed toward adults with a layman’s understanding of scientific issues.

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39 Comments on Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

  1. Ask Japan, Europe, and the Scandinavian countries how Zero Population Growth has worked for them. If your children are going to benefit society, have all you want. The problem we have today is that so many unfit people(?) have children they can’t afford and have no interest in raising. Like their parents they become democrats and breed like rats.

  2. Maybe he ought to be called “Bill Nye the Science Racist”. It strikes me that the birthrate for whites in the US has been dropping for years and overtaken in a large way by people of Hispanic origin while Planned Parenthood has been quietly doing it’s bit for eugenics by culling the black population.

  3. Ok, how does a guy who dances like an idiot to a frumpy woman singing about her vagina have a say in what our future should be?

    God, this guy has become so nauseatingly tedious.

  4. “Extra” kids? Is that like “extra” cigarettes? Or “extra” beer?
    Doesn’t exist, Bill Nye, the Bullshit Guy …

    Send me your “extra” money, for instance.

    Totalitarians just can’t leave other people the fuck alone. If it ain’t one lie, it’s another – any excuse to interfere with someone … ANYONE.

    How’s this, Bill – Eat Shit and Die?
    or Fuck Off and Die?
    or Just fuckin Die?

    Nobody needs you, nobody wants you, and you’re carbon footprint is too large for any good that you purport to do.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Billy, your thought also includes eliminating incentives for having “extra” kids as well. Be sure to inform your minority audience the way to accomplish it would be to cut EBT, family services, planned parenthood, etc. for any “extra” kids. Billy, incentives go away when you’re talking punishment, just come out and say what really happens.

  6. Whoa, Bill – you may want to speak with your political masters before suggesting this. Total fertility rates have been trending downwards in the US, and overall is under replacement rate. But the highest fertility rates have been for hispanics and blacks. Basically, our native population is shrinking; a phenomenon which has been occuring in Europe and Japan for quite a while now.

    So, Bill, you don’t have to “penalize” parents of developed nations who have too many children because that’s happening now without your involvement. That’s good news for your climate scam, but bad news for your other socialist programs, which are essentially pyramid schemes that are running out of new suckers. Now, if you want to propose this for various third world countries, have at it – and let me be the first to call you a racist bastard.

  7. Commedian?? HIM?!?!?! Since when?? The only funny thing about him is that picture on this site – he reminds me of that screwball vocalist for Spike Jones years ago – Doodles Weaver (“Beetlebaum”). Other than that, Nye is as funny as a raging infection of clap.

  8. It’s good these awful people have the right to speak their terrible ideas. I’d never want to shut Nye and others with the same inhuman beliefs from ever spouting off. As a matter of fact each and everyone one of these psychopaths need to be heard then condemned along with all those that agree with these nihilistic anti-human ideas.

    Those on the opposite side of the spectrum need to fight to be heard in their forums and to force them to defend their ugly ideas and principles.

  9. IF the plant is being overpopulated… IF… it’s due to growth in non-white populated third world places. Europe and the US aren’t growing due to reproduction. We’re at or below replacement level. Our growth is due to immigration.

    Muslims are more than doubling their population with each new generation.

    Bill Nye is anti-Muslim. Pass it on.

  10. “Should we have policies that penalize people for having extra kids in the developed world?”

    Penalize them? You mean like deport them, along with their extra children? Since the difference between birth rates of native and foreign resid… what? Oh… nevermind.

  11. So what does this schmuck consider to be an extra kid? I have 3, my parents had 4 boys, my wife came from a large Catholic family of 9 kids. I have a friend who came from an even larger Catholic family of 14. And believe me none of us consider ourselves to be extras. lil billy just needs to go away and shut the hell up, no one cares what he thinks, I sure as hell don’t.

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