Bill O’Reilly asks a question – IOTW Report

Bill O’Reilly asks a question

Bill O’Reilly asks if some TV news folks are ‘too close’ to the candidates.

And he gets some answers.

bill oreilly and trump

14 Comments on Bill O’Reilly asks a question

  1. Anybody still have doubts that O’Reilly isn’t a closet NYC Progressive?

    America doesn’t want a “fair & balanced” fence sitter – we want and NEED a Conservative who’s willing to follow the Constitution.

    In my world, the word “fair” is a euphemism for people who can’t handle competition.

  2. O’Reilly’s a talking head.
    Never claimed to be a news guy.
    Spouter of Opinion.

    He’s a typical Menshevik hack.
    He is insensate to socialism because it permeates his very being, every pore, every orifice. It is the aether that surrounds him and every single person with whom he has intercourse (social, not sexual … though maybe that, too).

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