Bill O’Reilly fires back at Megyn Kelly – IOTW Report

Bill O’Reilly fires back at Megyn Kelly

Shares hand-written notes from her and Gretchen Carlson.

BPR: Bill O’Reilly has fired back at his former colleague Megyn Kelly after she unleashed a torrent of thunder on him and Fox News.

The former Fox News “O’Reilly Factor” anchor tweeted a link to his website where he posted two handwritten letters to him from Kelly, and one from Gretchen Carlson, which you can see on


Bill O’

“What a class act you are, coming to my baby shower. I was truly touched – I know how busy you are, especially that time of day. It meant a lot to me + Doug. And thank you for the darling bodysuits + snuggly – it’s hard to believe will soon have a little human being in our lives tiny enough to fit in them.

“You’ve become a dear friend (no matter what you say) + I am grateful to have you in my life,” Kelly wrote in one letter with her name emblazoned at the top.

Bill O’


In another she thanked O’Reilly for promoting her husband, Douglas Brunt’s, book.

“I realize you didn’t have to do that, especially after mentioning it already,” she wrote. “I appreciate how supportive you have been of me over the years here (at Fox News Channel.)

O’Reilly’s response came hours after Kelly called him a liar on national television.    Read More

21 Comments on Bill O’Reilly fires back at Megyn Kelly

  1. I’m still trying to absorb the fact that he paid a woman ’32 million dollars’ for a sex act! She must really be something. Most men will spring 50-75 dollars for a nice dinner a decent bottle of wine and a movie for a woman, but 32 million-WOW!

  2. BOR and MK deserve each other. FOX is better off without them both.

    Treacherous little snake, isn’t she?

    She has decades left to go.
    Plenty of time to burn through all that network windfall money, fail at everything she tries, and wind up broke and 60, teaching “Media Studies” at some Jersey community college.

  3. It’s a given that O’Reilly could be a know-it-all jackass, but for some reason, I didn’t mind him. Wouldn’t doubt that he might have said some stupid off-color things to women, because I hear stupid shizzle from men AND women at my place of work – but I usually just throw it right back at ’em, rather than get all offended. I’m just very, very annoyed with the likes of Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson. They both hold themselves up as paragons of virtue when I feel they are really money-grubbing, fame-seeking opportunists.

  4. These are the denizen of the Free Press that marinates the Government that wants to control every breath we take from cradle to grave. I wouldn’t trust them to watch my grill while I go to take a leak.

  5. Kelly’s career is cratering right now and any chance to make a few headlines is going to be grabbed like the last lifepreserver off the the Titanic. NBC is trying to figure out how to use her because cutting her loose means she takes her big bag of money (already paid and future payments) and leaves for another network. On the other hand if they could just find her a niche, a small 30 minute show sandwiched someplace that actually attracted more viewers then a PSA the einsteins that so badly misjudged her would be able to keep their jobs because the next shareholders meeting is going to be a treat.

  6. I would like these ‘feminists’ to deliver mail in a rural farming community like I’ve done. I get ‘Thanks Dear’ and ‘Thanks Hun’ all the time. Makes me feel like all is not lost.

  7. Meggie has been reduced to a cardboard cut-out.
    I foresee gale force winds in her future. I figure she’ll
    eventually land somewhere in Kansas.

    As for the $32 million payment supposedly paid by O’Reilly:
    unless I am the person who cut and delivered the check, I
    Don’t know a damned thing about it. Nor do 99.9% of the
    People trying to pass this leaked information off as truth.
    That includes Ms. Carlson.

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