Bill Press Says Obama Won Nobel Peace Prize Despite Having ‘Done Nothing’ – IOTW Report

Bill Press Says Obama Won Nobel Peace Prize Despite Having ‘Done Nothing’

Newsbusters: Every so often but not nearly often enough, you’ll hear a liberal acknowledge a self-evident truth and say to yourself, how about that, there just might be hope yet.

Such could have been the case for the handful of conservatives listening to Bill Press’s radio show on Monday when he was talking with former Biden adviser Joe Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund, which describes itself as a “global peace and security foundation” focusing on nuclear weapons policy.

Press, perhaps best known as the liberal half of CNN’s talk show Crossfire in the 1990s, now hosts one of the few popular liberal radio programs and writes a syndicated column, and has written several books on politics.  MORE

23 Comments on Bill Press Says Obama Won Nobel Peace Prize Despite Having ‘Done Nothing’

  1. When BO accepted that completely
    unearned “prize”; assembled by fake propaganda tailors using invisible cloth he just confirmed that he was yet another clownish and naked king
    of fools.

  2. If people sit down and think logically, even lefties come to somewhat rational conclusions. The problem is that they rarely do, they usually let emotions rule.

    I remember 0bama’s Nobel speech, it was practically warmongering and I agreed with all but 2 or 3 points. Of course I also knew that it was all bluster, which he proved.

  3. Obama said the million dollar prize would be donated to a charity. Never heard where it went. Clinton Foundation that found it’s way into his bank account?

  4. WOW…Obama…I can’t hardly remember him. Weird things the memory does to the mind….it’s almost like he was Joanna and I woke up to Emily….

  5. Biden Adviser….WTF is that?

    What kind of Idiocy did He talk Joe OUT OF ???

    Joe B: I wanna touch the top of that girls Boobs

    Joe C : Uh….Just uh.. rub the sides

  6. And Gropin’ Joe Biden say he’s sorry for calling VP Mike Pence “a decent guy.” What a ball-less POS! Run Joe Run. You’re the best of the crop of America haters.

  7. LCD…Obama just released the health insurers hounds and they will never be able to get them back to the kennel because they have always wanted them released…..The Insurance industry has/will and will continue to be why your health insurance attempts to bankrupt you….

  8. There was the Nobel Peace Prize, and there exists the “Nobel Pece Prize” and they in no way are the same. The former was for accomplishment in service to humanity, the latter is a tool used to advance an ideological agenda. Two vastly different things.

    Without fail the left perverts and destroys every institution it gets its grubby little hooks into.

  9. Is Alexandria Ocrazio Cortez a Rhodes Scholar yet? Just like Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow. If not, why not? Back in 1975 after I got a BA, (under the GI Bill) I took a three credit course in Public Administration. I am still working on my Masters. But I went back to construction work to feed my family. Academia is a phucking joke today. Yesterday I had a leak under the kitchen sink so I called my friend, a plumber, and he sent his son Mike right over to the house. Mike replaced a section of 1′ 1/4″ drain pipe which was leaking. He did it in less than 45 minutes. Stopped the leak and charged me $162.42. Mike, a lovely fellow, told me it was his 3rd job that morning and he had two more to go to. You figure. And these fucking progs want “free college for all.” To study social science and climate change, and gender shit? Get a trade you fucking idiots, work for a living. My Dad always told me me, you have a trade and are willing to get your hands dirty, you’ll never starve. My Dad was never wrong. But I didn’t know that when I was young. Tempus Fugit,Momento Mori.


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