Bill To Abolish The Education Department: ‘We Have a President in the White House Who Would Conceivably Sign It’ – IOTW Report

Bill To Abolish The Education Department: ‘We Have a President in the White House Who Would Conceivably Sign It’

Breitbart: Kentucky U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie says his bill that would abolish the federal Department of Education should be taken seriously because the interest it has generated means the measure could ultimately end up on President Donald Trump’s desk.

“I think the reason people have to take this bill seriously now, is because, for the first time since Ronald Reagan, we have a president in the White House who would conceivably sign this bill,” he explains in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.

Massie, who introduced his bill to abolish the federal education department on February 7, says he and many of his colleagues have received a significant number of calls from their constituents urging that the bill move forward.  MORE

20 Comments on Bill To Abolish The Education Department: ‘We Have a President in the White House Who Would Conceivably Sign It’

  1. Remember Rino Ryan and Bitch McCONnell with a majority in the House and Senate approved spending for Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, Climate Change, Amnesty, Syrian Refugees, Sanctuary cities. These are big government RINOs, they will never reduce the size of government.
    Look at what they are proposing for Obamacare…..they’re looking to “replace” it with another Big Government Healthcare plan.
    They never intended to Repeal this Big government monstrosity!

  2. My Government teacher in the 1980’s taught about how wrong it was to centralize the education system: 1. It would most definitely be politicized. 2. If we don’t learn from the mistakes of the past…..who was it that sent these guys in particularly drab shirts to gather DATA about who?

    By it’s very construction the only thing a Natl. Ed Dept. can do is gather DATA. Now it’s all computerized. Our little podunk district spent millions so the feds can have their DATA faster. The actual education has suffered tremendously. So sad, that letting our teachers teach the three R’s did so much for us as a Nation.

  3. DO IT! Next on the block for elimination: EPA.
    “Reform” is meaningless for these Stalinist bureaucracies. You can’t trim around the edges. You have to spray them with the weed killer that gets down to the roots and eliminates them.

  4. Republican Party press release regarding the Department of Education: WHAT do you mean shut down the Department of Education! You dumb people actually believed us when we campaigned on a platform of shutting down federal agencies. What imbeciles! We deserve a much smarter and better class of constituents who know when we are winking, nodding, and jiving!

  5. Dept of education, teachers union, teaching kids what to think, normalization of homos, support gender confused, support abortion, positive about kids having sex, political bias, and on and on. I would like to see DOE killed with fire, but it won’t ever happen.

    Remember that teacher who wasn’t going to let class see Trump’s inauguration speech? Looks like he got away with it.
    School superintendent email

  6. The sooner the better. Use the money to pay off our debt. If we don’t face the budget problem we’re going to be another Greece before the end of President Trump’s second term. Many departments need to be shut down as soon as possible. We do not need them and we cannot afford them.

  7. Once they get rid of education and the sky does not fall, it should show how easy it is and then they can get to business of getting rid of Labor, Energy, Commerce, and downsizing the living heck out of most every other one — USDA is a bloated useless program for transferring your money to Archer Daniels Midland and ConAgra; NASA has strayed well beyond its original mission; the Nat Science Fndtn has turned into a Social Justice Warrior tax money waste; DHS needs a cleaning if not shut down completely (I am disappointed that TSA still exists today, just get rid of it and let each airport take care of security, let them profile if they want, just get rid of the useless federal ball washers @ TSA). It’s a huge job but it’s why Trump was elected.

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