Bill “Who?” Weld to Challenge Trump as Republican: ‘Would Be Ashamed of Myself If I Didn’t Raise My Hand’ – IOTW Report

Bill “Who?” Weld to Challenge Trump as Republican: ‘Would Be Ashamed of Myself If I Didn’t Raise My Hand’


[…] Host Jake Tapper discussed some of the realities that Weld would face, including the $30 million that the Trump reelection campaign raised in the first quarter and how the Republican National Committee is an extension of Trump’s campaign.

“Do you really think you can defeat him?” Tapper asked.

“Yeah, I do. I’ve done it before and particularly in New Hampshire where I’m spending a lot of time, it’s one vote at a time and one voter at a time and you got to meet them, but what we have now is a president who mocks the rule of law,” Weld said. “I spent seven years in the Justice Department trying to keep the politics out of law enforcement. He’s trying to put in.”  more


Some reminders about Bill Weld:

A Never Trumper [and former running mate of Gary “What Is Aleppo?”Johnson] considers 2020 run.

“We don’t consider him a Republican. We don’t want him back as a Republican.”
Says The New Hampshire GOP .

2 dipsh*tzz on the Libertarian ticket

Gary Johnson‘s VP pick Bill Weld went a little off-message today by saying that he can’t think of anyone more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president.

Bill Weld Compared AR-15s to “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” Said Pistols Were Even Worse.

“The five-shot rifle, that’s a standard military rifle; the problem is if you attach a clip to it so it can fire more shells and if you remove the pin so that it becomes an automatic weapon, and those are independent criminal offenses,” Weld said. “That is when they become, essentially, a weapon of mass destruction. The problem with handguns probably is even worse than the problem of the AR15.”


21 Comments on Bill “Who?” Weld to Challenge Trump as Republican: ‘Would Be Ashamed of Myself If I Didn’t Raise My Hand’

  1. He’s spending a lot of time in New Hampshire ? Great. The only state more boring than Vermont. Enjoy the earthy “women” and dirt roads to no where. Don’t forget to take your Subaru with the standard canoe on the roof rack.

  2. As Iv said here many times the last 2 yers; the Rove/Bush folk want Don primaried OUT!
    “that he can’t think of anyone more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president.” If you have taken out your wallet and are paying attention you know this was the Rove/Bush quote from Oct ’16.
    The liberal/progressive GOP “leaders” would rather a Dem President than Don. Was true in ’16; still true today, and will be true in 2020!

    But “the folk in Hell wqnt ice water”; leftist GOP “leaders” will be unhappy agin.

  3. “The five-shot rifle, that’s a standard military rifle; the problem is if you attach a clip to it so it can fire more shells and if you remove the pin so that it becomes an automatic weapon, and those are independent criminal offenses,” Weld said. “That is when they become, essentially, a weapon of mass destruction. The problem with handguns probably is even worse than the problem of the AR15.”

    Worst. Firearms. Knowledge. EVER.

    …although I suppose if you excuse the fact he doesn’t know WHAT they do, HOW they work, HOW modern troops are equipped, WHAT the proper names for the various components are, WHAT things he describedd are ACTUALLY weapons-related criminal offences and WHAT a weapon of mass destruction is…

    …He’s STILL an ignorant asshole.

    …although kudos for fitting THAT much wrong in a SINGLE paragraph…

  4. Oh PLEASE SAVE US from low unemployment, high GDP, better trade deals and closed borders, Billy.

    Help us Billy Wan Kennebunkport. You’re our only hope.

    Yeah yeah. He’s a Masshole and Kennebunkport is in Maine. Whatever.


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