Bill Would Allow Iowans To Purchase, Carry Guns Without A Permit – IOTW Report

Bill Would Allow Iowans To Purchase, Carry Guns Without A Permit

The bill, known as House Study Bill 254, was introduced last month and passed along party lines in an Iowa House subcommittee on Monday, with two Republican state lawmakers voting for the bill and one Democratic lawmaker opposed.


6 Comments on Bill Would Allow Iowans To Purchase, Carry Guns Without A Permit

  1. Meanwhile, in The People’s Republic of Maryland, they just passed a law that significantly restricts the transfer of long guns, requiring FFL paperwork and fees.
    This country is fundamentally fracturing right before our eyes.

  2. So way out there in wild Iowa one was required to obtain permission to transfer a firearm…. until blackface northam came along private transfers of firearms were perfectly legal in Godforsaken va…. I should have studied up on fa laws in SC before making my (final?) relocation… sigh.

  3. “Bill Would Allow Iowans To Purchase, Carry Guns Without A Permit”

    Allowed to exercise a right? Now, ain’t that sweet?

    Next thing you know they’ll be lettin nigrahs drink at public water fountains.
    Or sit at the front of the bus.

    izlamo delenda est …

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