Billboard in Dallas, Texas “Aims to Dispel Misconceptions About Hijab” – IOTW Report

Billboard in Dallas, Texas “Aims to Dispel Misconceptions About Hijab”

Who are they trying to convince? Us, or their women?

Jihad Watch: The report Friday about the new Islamic propaganda billboard in Dallas recalled the billboard that propagandists for Islam put up in the same city last February by the same organization, beside a well-trafficked highway. It was up for six weeks. This one was all about the hijab, what it means for Muslim women, why they are so enthusiastic about wearing it, and why non-Muslims are so wrong in thinking it is a form of repression.

“Ruman Sadiq, a local Muslim activist, says the current political climate has led to misperceptions of Muslim women.

That’s why she hopes a new six-week billboard campaign will encourage people to call and ask questions about the hijab, or head scarf.”

Could those misperceptions of Muslim women be the result of learning about women who have been arrested and imprisoned in Iran for taking off their hijabs in protest at being forced to wear them? READ MORE

16 Comments on Billboard in Dallas, Texas “Aims to Dispel Misconceptions About Hijab”

  1. …hey, as long as we’re promoting medieval female opression garments, why don’t you do a billboard for the chemise cagoule?

    …or the old standby for protecting the Master’s propety, the chastity belt?

    …oh, that’s right, because NO ONE BUT MUSLIMS STILL LIVE IN THE 7TH CENTURY is why, its not CURRENT for ANY OTHER CULTURE…

    …it would be as silly as THIS…

  2. …ooh, do a campaign for sexually abusing young boys next!

    …after all, Bacha Bazi is a Muslim thing TOO, or as they say in Afghanistan, “Women are for babies, boys are for fun” so put THAT on your next billboard, you perverted pedophile worshipers, you…


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