Billboard In Texas Encouraging Illegals To ‘Get A Sugar Daddy’ Backfires – IOTW Report

Billboard In Texas Encouraging Illegals To ‘Get A Sugar Daddy’ Backfires

DailyCaller: A billboard posted off a major interstate in Austin, Texas, is encouraging illegal immigrants to get a “sugar daddy” before they are deported.

“Undocumented Immigrant? Before You Get Deported Get a Sugar Daddy,” the billboard posted off Interstate 35 and credited to reads. A photo of a woman framed by the colors of the Mexican flag accompanies the eye-catching pitch.

The company responsible for the ad, Arrangement Finders, bills itself as “an exclusive service that connects men and women looking for mutually beneficial arrangements. We’re 100% secure, anonymous and risk free – making it simple for you to achieve the unique arrangement you desire.”

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14 Comments on Billboard In Texas Encouraging Illegals To ‘Get A Sugar Daddy’ Backfires

  1. Several thoughts on this.
    1) Fine – – don’t get a sugar daddy and GET deported.
    2) The people they interviewed are so cowed to political correctness it makes me sick.
    3) Many Mexican women are very attractive, not just because of looks but because they haven’t been turned into politically correct bitches.

  2. “How DARE you express negative words against CRIMINALS!!1!eleventy!!!”
    – every Democrat ever


    TO willygoatsgruff

    Besame Mamelo Muchoooooo…”
    I just LOVE a romantic song, don’t you?!?

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