Billionaire Dem Donor Blasts Bernie Sanders: He’s a ‘Communist Under the Cover of Being a Socialist’ – IOTW Report

Billionaire Dem Donor Blasts Bernie Sanders: He’s a ‘Communist Under the Cover of Being a Socialist’


You may have never heard of Haim Saban before, but his money has affected you, nonetheless. As one of the single biggest donors to the Democrat Party, Saban is helping shape the politics of this country. This is why his opinions on the Democrats hoping to earn their party’s 2020 presidential nomination matter. His money gives his words clout. This is bad news for Bernie bros (and, by extension, fans of AOC). In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Saban went out of his way to diss Bernie Sanders.

Because Saban is unknown to many, a little background information may be useful. With an estimated worth of $3.2 billion, Haim and his wife Cheryl are the media moguls behind the Power Rangers phenomenon. According to The Hollywood Reporter:

Eight years after Saban Entertainment’s inception, he merged the L.A.-based company with Fox Children’s Productions to form Fox Family Worldwide. That joint venture with News Corp. — which included Fox Family Channel, Fox Kids international channels in Europe and Latin America, and Saban Entertainment’s library of 6,500 episodes of animated and other family programs — was sold in 2001 to The Walt Disney Co. for $5.3 billion.

Selling the company to Disney is what launched the couple’s philanthropic organization. As generous supporters of the nation of Israel, the Sabans also donate money to many children’s charities and feminist organizations. As already stated, they’re also counted as one of the biggest donors to the Democrat Party. This fact, THR explains, is, “why all eyes are on who they will back in the 2020 presidential election. After the first debates, they remained undecided.”

They may be undecided about who they’re going to support, but based on Haim Saban’s words, they will never back Bernie Sanders. MORE

13 Comments on Billionaire Dem Donor Blasts Bernie Sanders: He’s a ‘Communist Under the Cover of Being a Socialist’

  1. Disney was the end of anything that made sense. I was a technical dude for ABC. I was a Senior Telecommunications Engineer when I was hired. After about 6 years I was re-cast as a Specialist. Specialist, as Dan would say, was the guy who didn’t specialize in anything. HAA! Dan is a good guy.

  2. A commie masquerading as a socialist…isn’t that like a pedophile masquerading as a child molester? The guy honeymooned in the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics fercryinoutloud.

    Yes, AOC, that was an actual place. Or literal place, if you prefer.

  3. ALL Socialists are Communists in disguise. Haven’t we learned that lesson hundreds of times again? For crying out loud, the once Great Britain now has re-education camps for those accused of islamophobia, racism, white supremacy, or any other thought crimes. They put more resources into investigation mean tweets that they do into counter-terrorism. And they are a democratic socialist state.

    Listen to the hard Left: They tell us non-stop how they will collectivize us, take our ability to resist, then rob us of our money. They are being honest. It’s the moderates who are supposed to be the happy faces of the conductors on the train platform at Treblinka.

  4. “Communist Under the Cover of Being a Socialist?”

    Sort of like an izlamist under cover as a moslem?
    Talk about being unclear on a concept!

    One more time, for all you rich maggots who don’t have time to look shit up:

    Social Demonrat
    Demonrat Socialist
    Christian Demonrat
    Wilsonian Progressive
    National Socialist
    Inter-National Socialist
    Cambodian Communist
    Vietnamese Communist
    Spanish “Republican”

    Are ALL the same fucking thing! Get it? Finally?
    They claim distinctions to attempt to differentiate themselves from the more vicious aspects of their putrid, false ideology – depending upon the mood and education (real education, not phony _____-studies college degree) of the people they’re attempting to deceive.

    Liberty – Slavery

    It really IS a binary Universe. Most everything can be reduced to 1 and 0, or “ON” and “OFF.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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