Billionaire Koch Brothers Launch Super PAC to Support Open Borders Politicians – IOTW Report

Billionaire Koch Brothers Launch Super PAC to Support Open Borders Politicians


The pro-mass immigration, GOP megadonor, billionaire Koch brothers are forming a new super PAC ahead of the 2018 midterm elections to back politicians who support their agenda of open borders, amnesty, and endless free trade.

The Kochs’ network of PACs and organizations will join together to elect candidates that fit their economic libertarian agenda, which stands in stark opposition to President Trump’s protective tariffs, border wall, and agenda to raise U.S. wages by reducing legal immigration levels.

The Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Action PAC will join forces with the Kochs’ amnesty-pushing Libre Action PAC and Concerned Veterans for America Action to promote the billionaires’ agenda.

Before and during Trump’s presidency, the billionaire Koch brothers have been threatening GOP lawmakers who support the populist-nationalist agenda of the president. read more

19 Comments on Billionaire Koch Brothers Launch Super PAC to Support Open Borders Politicians

  1. At some point, you become so rich that you get a supply of puppets.
    I wonder, how much were they paying John McCain?

    Rubio, Lindsay (who I’m still not convinced isn’t a woman), Joni Ernst (who I am still not convinced isn’t a man) and McConnell must have gotten extra in their allowances since McCain’s gone.

  2. I have seen the Koch boys as principled libertarians a long time….. They have more money than God…. We’ve been rattled about the open borders stuff, but…. media? Not real?

    Why, oh why, Charles and David are you doing this to America?

    Soros, only from the right. …Lady in Red

  3. @Czar – libertarians are just rabid lefties who don’t want to be called lefties, so they tell people they are “libertarians” instead. I came to the conclusion about 15 years ago that libertarians are just as nutty as lefties, and two peas in a pod.

  4. To LIR
    libertarians are NOT of the Right. On a TYRANT/ANARCHIST scale, sure, they’re on that side…but NOT of any – ANY! – side with any form of organized (read: CIVILIZED) societal (only tribal mini-group) controls/government.

    They are drugged-up hippies…some are still articulate, some wealthy…but ALL in LaLaLand (the LAST thing those on the Right are).

  5. They need to explain themselves.
    I’m tired of all these open border politicians and big money business people that don’t get asked how their policies help the existing populations

  6. Most people that call themselves libertarians are not libertarians, for example, Bill Maher. The Kochs are also fake “libertarians”. They cannot logically be for open boarders unless the welfare state is eliminated.

  7. @Mr. Anth Ropy September 11, 2018 at 10:13 am

    > how their policies help the existing populations

    Do they not exist? Aren’t we all in this together? Don’t WWGOWGA? Isn’t that what you’re voting for?

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