Bill’s gonna Bubba; it’s our fault for letting him inside – IOTW Report

Bill’s gonna Bubba; it’s our fault for letting him inside

WT: You can’t blame Bubba.

Former President Bill Clinton is just doing what Bubba does. What Bubba has always done.

You’ve got to remember that for all Bubba’s high-flying, jet-setting, globe-trotting, poseur-statesman ways, Bubba is still just a Mississippi leg hound.

Only he’s from Arkansas. Which just means he is a Mississippi leg hound with less manners. More, shall we say, “driven.” Bigger “appetite.” More “enthusiasm.” Greater “zest for life.”

It also means Big Dog is porch dog, a yard dog and even an up-under-the-porch dog.

One thing Big Dog isn’t, however, is housebroken.


16 Comments on Bill’s gonna Bubba; it’s our fault for letting him inside

  1. It’s never bill’s or hillary’s fault.
    When you are the Billionaire elite, with power and clout you blame the others, like the invisible, non-existent vast right wing conspiracy.

  2. Bill Clinton wuz never anything but a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling the United States of America to the highest bidder!
    Along with Travelgate, Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison Guarantee, Cattle Futures, Pardons for criminals, under the table ChiCom cash, Charlie Trie, the Riadies, Rich, Sandy Burgler, having an administration with the most convictions and guilty pleas, a Cabinet full of officials under criminal investigations and the longest line of real victims in their wake, the Clinton dishonesty and skullduggery has been on full display for everyone to see and is only exceeded by their unbridled greed and lust for money and absolute power! Hillary is just his deceitful, duplicitous, self-serving, money-grubbing, power-hungry, bitch, criminal business partner and enabler! Letting either one of these two disingenuous dirty-dogs from Trailerparkinsas into the White House would be a big mistake, but then for waaay too long we’ve had waaay too much of One Big Ass Mistake Already!

  3. The disease of the Clintons is exacerbated by the Media who are in the tank for the globalists.
    Bill Clinton should be arrested and tried for trying to skew the investigation into his wife and using his power of his position to accomplish it.
    The fix is in, the question is: What are we going to do about it?

  4. My favorite current theory is that Bill deliberately compromised Loretta Lynch to force her to have to appoint a special counsel/prosecutor in order to delay the whole process at least 18 months. And of course, guess who gets to do the appointing?

  5. The entire Phoenix mashup was designed to postpone and obfuscate the DOJ’s actions of any pending charges against Hilldabeest. Clintons will stop at nothing to reach the White Hut, until they are taking the dirt nap, and maybe not even then.

  6. I wonder if there isn’t an option where Hilary gets indicted AFTER the convention, then Barry can suspend the election to allow the Democrats to bring Joe up to speed.
    Then there are just too dang many emergencies going on to ‘disrupt the country’ with an election.

  7. @cato July 4, 2016 at 8:24 am

    Are you saying that Team Right Wing is poor? Or that you’re too classy to have ever seen a pre-match interview for pro-wrasslin?

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