Bin Laden Killer SEAL Rob O’Neill’s Take on Rioters: ‘I Can’t Believe I Fought to Protect You’ – IOTW Report

Bin Laden Killer SEAL Rob O’Neill’s Take on Rioters: ‘I Can’t Believe I Fought to Protect You’

PJM: The nation watched with disgust Friday night as rioters took to the streets of Minneapolis, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Los Angeles as well as the usual suspects in Oakland and Portland over the killing of George Floyd while in police custody. Nothing says grief-stricken like boosting some free s*it and burning buildings. Watching with the rest of the nation was Rob O’Neill, the retired Navy SEAL who helped send Osama bin Laden to paradise to collect his 72 raisins (not a typo).

And O’Neill was disgusted along with most of the rest of America.

O’Neill’s Twitter time-line that started last evening and lasted until Saturday morning was a Rorschach test for the country. If you agreed with what he was saying you too were wondering what looting had to do with redeeming the death and honoring the memory of George Floyd.

Friday evening O’Neill noted what many people did across America. Where were the liberal scolds demanding rioters keep socially distanced? more here

25 Comments on Bin Laden Killer SEAL Rob O’Neill’s Take on Rioters: ‘I Can’t Believe I Fought to Protect You’

  1. They were innocent kids then. You did right by them, Rob, and you had no way of knowing how they’d turn out. BTW have you raised teenage children yet?


    🔴 The Police are Dumb as Shit It’s no surprise the community college graduates really are not our best and brightest. The 23 year old dummies I have to call on b/c of our crazy renters every now and again proves they are worse than the problem, so I endure. I have no choice.

    🔴 Did they learn nothing from the last Billion $ riot? Apparently not. Don’t touch anyone’s neck for any reason. Stop shooting people’s dogs, stop shooting 27 times into a vehicle that sometimes have innocent children in them. They are guilty of some of the stupidest most irresponsible things I’ve seen anyone do with a firearm.

    🔴 Do you remember former police officer and Cop-Killer Christopher Dorner?
    The cops were so intent on MURDERING this man, they pulled over the WRONG: Make, model, AND COLOR pick up truck, riddled it with bullets, and he wasn’t even in it. Two women delivering newspapers, and one was shot in the back. They weren’t trying to stop the vehicle either, how many bullet holes to you count?

    🔴The police gleefully enforce unconstitutional gun laws, especially in New Jersey and California. Thanks a lot dirtbags. Why would I support them?

    🔴They’ve been screwing you for DECADES playing the political game.
    ⏺ Left-Wing LOVES abusive centralized authority and those sweet sweet union dues that go for their reelections and getting their endorsement every 2-4-6 years, so little actual criticism from them.
    ⏺ Right-Wing LOVES para-military outfits filled with ex-military vets. They love law & order, so if the police have to beat the shit out of society’s knucklheads, dirtbags, or those that are disrespectful and mouthy, so what? Kick them once in the groin for me too, serves them right! –so, again, little actual criticism from them.

    🔴The police investigate themselves.
    Automatic corruption right there, hands down. They get in a huddle, lie, change police reports, plant or remove evidence, and of course, the LONE passenger has zero witnesses, and the police call “back up” (4 officers) who will all corroborate, “Yeah, the driver lunged for his gun, so we had to kill him.”

    It so wretchedly obnoxious that this bloated, unaccountable entity has such a long history of abusive behavior with virtually no accountability that you or I would have if we even TOUCHED a woman or a child under 18 on the street. We’d lose everything and have to live in a box somewhere, meanwhile, these clowns merely get fired (as is the recent case in Minnesota) and and just get a job the next county over the next day. (Officer finally charged—after riots).

    The George Floyd situation is just a culmination of a LOT of frustrated citizens witnessing decades of slights, arrogance, crimes, and abuse, and I for one am sick of it as well.

    We are at the point now where reason doesn’t work with the unreasonable. They don’t listen. They only thing that seems to work is “Minute Men” show up and burn the precinct to the ground, then show up at the officer’s personal residence looking for trouble. THEN the government decides to charge him with murder and manslaughter. –Should have done that the day they had cause to fire him.

    Sorry, rioting is the only thing government understands. Sorry also to Target, CNN Headquarters, and Starbucks, but you gotta suffer too, you pandered to the left-wing babies, and now they are paying you back.

  3. “As a vet, I feel the same way about democrats attempting to destroy America from within …. ”

    What you feel is of little effect, what actions you take is all that has meaning.

  4. “I do not know much, but I do know that the mayhem taking place across this Nation has absolutely NOTHING to do with the late Mr. Floyd.”

    Floyd’s death was more like a pin that pricks an overinflated balloon.

    The balloon bursts suddenly instead of just slowly leaking out through a tiny hole, all the pressure inside escaping at once.

    The question would be, what inflated the balloon in the first place? That would be where the cause is found.

    But I’m sure the growing undercurrent of anger about the lockdown restrictions had nothing to do with it, nothing at all. Because if it did, we’d have real bad things in the making for our future.

    This is the time we need to be like the ostrich and hide our head in the sand so we can’t see what is happening around us, otherwise we might find today’s world a real scary place to be.

  5. police cruelly kill a black criminal
    riots in the streets and looting

    abort black babies by the millions
    not a peep, no riots, no looting

    was margret sanger right?

  6. It seems some people love a good riot, it comes with free sheet and fireworks. George who? Obamagate fisa spying? New York rest and death facilities? Mail Vote fraud?

  7. Look over here at my left hand rioting and looting, while my right hand is preparing to steal an election and destroy America.

    Keep your eyes on the prize.

  8. I can’t believe cities put up with that shit for 5 minutes, let alone 4 days.
    But that’s the new theme of the democrat party, it seems.
    No rationale, no reason, just destruction if you don’t see it their way.
    They should be willing to shoot a few lotters caught in the act as an object lesson to the rest.

  9. @Jerry Manderin May 31, 2020 at 5:41 am

    > Serious question. If we start bombing abortion clinics now do you think anyone would notice?

    Serious answer. “Yes.”

    (Most importantly, beyond the usual, those who do not wish to welcome new beardy overlords.)

  10. @CC May 31, 2020 at 10:51 am

    > I can’t believe cities put up with that shit for 5 minutes, let alone 4 days.

    That’s because math isn’t, really, hard, empty platic head Barbie.

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