Bioweapons – IOTW Report

24 Comments on Bioweapons

  1. I haven’t watched the video. I will tomorrow. To tired, However, from the git, if you mutate a virus that only effects a certain species so it will effect humans, what would you call it. It’s no secret. That’s what they did. Every one involved should be injected with Rabies, tied to a post, and let nature takes it course.

  2. There needs to be a timeline produced of when they unleashed covid upon the world.
    The “Wuhan Games” had multiple countries militaries participating in September 2019.
    They infected all of them without knowledge no doubt.
    I contracted a strong strain on December 3rd, 2019.
    It was in Vegas in November without a doubt.

  3. The complex narrative of the Covid bioweapon has three parts: The overwhelming governmental power subjugating citizens to such evil, the collaboration that took place, and the resistance.

    The world saw this same three part narrative when Adolf Hitler invaded his neighbor, peaceful defenseless Denmark, in 1940-1945.

  4. The mind-boggling part is all the people (worldwide) who volunteered to be killed.

    The power of propaganda? Gullibility? Abject stupidity?

    The members of the Media who pushed this abomination need to be executed for their active, vociferous participation – as well as the many mini-Mengeles in the Medical community.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Dr lays out clearly the evidence for Covid being a bio weapon in violation of many Treaties, Conventions and laws, in clouding the Constitution. He explains how COVID’s works. He also clearly describes what the Vax do which is totally different than normal vaccines. The vax floods the body with billions of Covid components -the spike proteins – which can overwhelm the healthy immune system causing massive inflammation. The vax damages hemoglobin preventing it from transporting O2 and promotes spontaneous clotting.

    The VAERS reporting system does not have a code for Covid Vax injuries unlike every other vaccine and medicine. Unprecedented and not explained. In short the vax has no effects on Covid but does cause prion diseases.

    There were NO animal studies prior to approval. The vaccination mandates were the experiment which is totally against all laws and standards. There has been no accountability or even explanation.

    One can only suspect a network of people guiding this Covid & Vax phenomenon and suppressing factual discussion of it, apart from the occasional report or interview such as this.

  6. Mutate, all viruses do this, that is their nature to survive. Don’t like Trump’s vaccine, don’t take it. Conspiracy theories like UFO’s are always out there, way way out there in this case.

  7. ^^^
    “Conspiracy theory” is the standard fallback and refuge of those who do not have a cogent counter-argument, hold rigid beliefs or are driven by a sense of outrage and spite – through having their world-view challenged.

    Get lost, moron.

  8. Other truths in plain sight.
    The CDC is the Dept. of Psychological Warfare.
    The NIH is the Dept. of Bioweapons.
    The FDA is the Dept. of Pay to Play.
    The WEF, WHO and UN all answer to the largest and most powerful criminal organization in the world.
    All foreign is military aid.

  9. Anon 7:48

    You’re the threat to America. You’re an easy target. Came back to upvote your post? Do you make $100 an hour working on this from your basement?

    You’re just another low IQ “C” student working for peanuts.

  10. I still do not believe it was a killer disease. I believe the hospitals killed people by following the CDC protocol so they could get the money.

    The so called vaccine on the other hand, I saw an article the other day that SADS was up 45% in 2022 in US(something that used to be called something different when adults died suddenly), some countries it was as much as 70%.
    The vaccine was the killer, they knew it would kill, they knew no animals ever survived MRNA injections. The truth in the beginning was there for everyone to see, they just chose to ignore it or not look for it. Good thing they gave placebos or there would be even more dead.

  11. “The Mutation rate was the giveaway.”

    As well as the way that the “debut” of each mutation appeared to be scheduled, popping up simultaneously in different locations and spreading in ways that defied nature. Almost as if they were planned sequels, each one following the other with catchy names.

    And we never heard much about any of the “variants” between the original Covid and “Delta”, or between “Delta” and “Omicron”. Is that because those in between never existed or were lab flops? I once thought a variant was the same as a mutation, but now I’m not so sure. Maybe “mutations” are natural, and “variants” are GMO?

    Then after “Omicron”, all we hear now is “get the new jab, it works on all the covids!” Has there been any significant “variant” after Omicron? I can’t recall any. All I see are vague rumblings in the media about supposed resurgences of covid. I reckon they’ve gotten all the box office out of covid series, and now they’re just marketing placebo merchandise.

  12. Everyday I wake up and thank the Lord that he gave me the wisdom to not give in to the BS. That voice kept gnawing at me “don’t do it.” I got the crud 12/4/2019, it didn’t have a name. As I’m seeing it, the trust in the medical profession is zilch. I don’t trust my doctor, especially when he pushed the jab, then 2 years later tells me they don’t work. Well doctor, how many did you kill? My doctor reads lab work and nothing more. Too bad he didn’t listen to me.

  13. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

    Most of us here weren’t fooled, Goldenfoxx. So, shame on THEM – all of THEM.

    I just tell THEM they’re full of shit and they don’t know squat.

  14. I agree that most of us weren’t fooled, but I recently heard a stat that only 8% of the population had the moral conviction to stand their ground. The rest gave in to the psyop.

  15. Don’t leave out the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media that the Pols used to deliver the propaganda… which begs the question, do the Pols use the Media or do the Media use the Pols?
    Frankly I think it is a case of Mutual Masturbation!

  16. All viruses mutate, but how many times has a virus mutated into something just as dangerous as the original, as was the case when COVID Alpha mutated into COVID Delta

    This could be evidence that the virus was engineered to do this, OR it may have been caused by the Mass jab with the spike protein. In that case, only a tiny mutation to the spike protein was needed.

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