Bipartisan Gun Safety Bill Clears Procedural Hurdle in 50–50 Senate – IOTW Report

Bipartisan Gun Safety Bill Clears Procedural Hurdle in 50–50 Senate

Just the News

The Senate on Thursday got the minimum 60-votes to move forward with a bipartisan gun safety bill.

Senate Democrat leader Schumer is pushing toward a final vote Friday, before the 100-member chambers adjourns for a two-week recess.

A bipartisan group of senators negotiated the gun bill after the May 24 mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in which 19 children and two teachers were killed. 

The rolling tally for legislation, titled the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, was 62-28 at about 12:20 p.m. on Capitol Hill, in Washington, D.C. 

The Democratic-led House has already passed separate gun control measures that go further than the Senate bill.

If the Senate legislation passes, it would also need to pass the House before heading to President Biden’s desk.

16 Comments on Bipartisan Gun Safety Bill Clears Procedural Hurdle in 50–50 Senate

  1. It’s interesting that this preliminary vote occurred just 2 hours before the legislation was introduced which means NOBODY actually read the bill they were voting on.

    Mitch, Lindsey, Romney, and company have enough willing supplicants within the Senate, this crap bill will pass, and they will all feel good about themselves afterward.

    On a more positive note, SCOTUS just affirmed the right of every man to exercise his 2nd Amendment right to conceal carry;

  2. When this passes, and it’s pretty much a given that it will, anybody can red flag you. If your neighbor is unhappy with your garbage can not being retrieved as quickly as he’d like all it will take is one phone call. You have firearms and you’re potentially a danger. Progressive prosecutors will be grinning from ear to ear.

    The firearms will be confiscated before you are charged and defending yourself will be on your dime. No public defenders allowed.

    As far as the SCOTUS ruling, my interpretation is that they can’t turn you down based on the criteria they had in place. That being proof that you had a legitimate need to be able to defend yourself. There is nothing keeping them from coming up with other criteria. Could be as simple as receiving a traffic ticket. Maybe I’m not fully informed at this point.

  3. Just because some of the Senators who voted for the bill have an (R) after their names does not mean the vote was bipartisan. Just as when McCain was still around, if a story said “even Republicans sided against the President (Trump),” you knew that was followed up with “such as John McCain of Arizona.”

  4. SCOTUS already ruled “red flag” laws unconstitutional.

    Susan Collins’ office probably rolls their eyes when they see ANOTHER email from me on this subject.
    I hope they do remember my name.
    They are traitors and cowards.

  5. Did that whole The Ukraine kerfuffle get settled? Already?

    The Truthy(TM) video from that, proved, that gun safety requires sufficient artillery, in the hands of those in the field, to destroy infantry battalions. And their armored support. From miles away.

    It’s the only way to not get shot.

  6. This is great! Now, the criminals won’t be able to get AR-15’s and shoot up little school children. Thank God for the gov’t giving me safety.
    Oh, yeah, sarcasm.

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