Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was illegitimate  – IOTW Report

Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was illegitimate 

Late in the evening on Tuesday, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson announced that the House would file an amicus brief in support of Steve Bannon’s appeal against his contempt of Congress conviction related to the J6 investigation by the illegitimate January 6th Committee.

9 Comments on Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was illegitimate 

  1. Note that the ‘bipartisan’ vote was 3 Republicans saying yes and 2 Democrats saying no. So of course nothing has changed in that regard.
    Is this really the fastest way to free Steve Bannon?

  2. And? So? This “group” votes that the J6 Committee was “Illegitimate”.
    Big deal! Does this release the J6 political prisoners now?

  3. Here’s the deal. These bastards sat on their asses hoping and praying that this J6 committee was finally going to take Trump out. Now that, once again, they have been caught with their dick in their hand they are doing something that should have been done from the very start. This is so obvious and SOOOOO typical of republicans.


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