Birds of a feather – IOTW Report

Birds of a feather

Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer Team Up to Expedite Finland and Sweden Entry into NATO.

CTH: The preparations and proactive moves to establish the global cleaving are being carried out by Wall Street globalists, the World Economic Forum and the various western politicians who align with the objective.  The opinion of the citizens within each nation are irrelevant to the decisions of the leaders.

Fundamentally, the big picture dynamic is to create a global network of allied nations based on one overarching principle, energy and human control through the carbon trading platform.  There are multiple moving puzzle pieces, but one big dynamic. Western government leaders are cleaving the world into two economic systems. more

12 Comments on Birds of a feather

  1. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer are not member nations of NATO.

    You know who is? Turkey. You know who doesn’t want Sweden in NATO because the Swedes are overrun by Islamic conquerors? Turkey.

    Hate Erdogan all you want. Old chap is far from stupid.

  2. No doubt that Cocaine Mitch and Cryin’ Big-Tears Chuckie Schumer threatened Sweden and Finland. Keep in mind that Charles Schumer was exposed as accepting mega-coin from the Jeffrey Epstein child and woman-running seks cartel to exploit them and operate in NY for ‘protection’ and without legal consequences, to pave the way for the sinister group’s operations in that city/state. The very same goes for the drug cartels and mayfia paying NY politicians for their drug-human trafficking operations.

  3. “Bush Republicans” are Dem 5th columnists. Mitch has been a “Bush Republican” for over 30 years!
    Ronny called ’em, “Blame America”. I cal ’em “Americans last”!

  4. Let’s have all the countries on Russia’s doorstep join NATO. But Russia is evil for not liking this, especially when there is evidence that there are bio labs in Ukraine.

    But we were ready to go to war when the USSR sent nukes to Cuba. Yeah, let’s jump into the cage and start poking the lion with a short stick.

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