Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy – IOTW Report

Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy

This guy not only ‘went there’… He went there and bought some land. LOL!

free birth control protests

BreitbartTech: The media never stops banging on about women’s health, particularly in the wake of the disgusting revelations about Planned Parenthood. They’re always telling us that “women’s bodies” and “women’s choices” should be paramount. But just how healthy are the solutions to unwanted pregnancy that they propose?

Ladies — I’d like you to imagine that you are Neo from the popular film franchise The Matrix. For the purposes of this thought experiment, I am Laurence Fishburne, except with really good hair, a charming personality, and of course I’m much blacker than he is.

In one hand I hold a pill that lets you see the truth, even if at it first it is very bitter. In the other I hold a pill that you have to take every day and it will keep you from getting pregnant at the low cost of turning you into a hideous monster.

Ask yourself before continuing: are you ready for the truth, or do you want to continue turning yourself into Gollum for the benefit of not having to practice any sexual responsibility at all? Okay, different movie franchise, but you get the idea. read more


6 Comments on Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy

  1. off topic…..I tried to post a reply to a homosexual atheist that was railing against Christianity in the comments section of this article, but Breitbart wants me to sign in via one of the ‘social media’ data-collection-for-profit-&-propaganda sites. So I did not.

    …thank goodness iotw has not, yet, fallen into the ‘sign in so we can collect all your data & track you’ web experience…..there are so few sites left….

    btw, this article is spot on

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