Birth Rate Collapse: Baby Formula Factory Shipping to China to Shut Down Due to Lack of Demand – IOTW Report

Birth Rate Collapse: Baby Formula Factory Shipping to China to Shut Down Due to Lack of Demand


Nestle, the world’s largest food company, announced on Wednesday that it will shutter or sell the Wyeth Nutrition baby formula factory in Askeaton, Ireland, no later than the first quarter of 2026.

The major reason given for this decision was that China’s birth rate has collapsed so much that the plant’s output, which was exported to Asia, is no longer needed.

“The number of newborn babies in China has declined sharply from some 18 million per year in 2016 to fewer than 9 million projected in 2023. The market, which had previously been reliant on imported infant formula products, is also seeing rapid growth in locally produced products,” Nestle stated.

The company said it would shutter a research and development center at the Askeaton plant by 2025, putting a total of 542 local jobs on the line.

“The full range of state supports will be made available to the employees, and we will examine each and every option to ensure that the best possible outcome is reached for all concerned,” Irish Minister for Enterprise, Trade, and Employment Simon Coveney told the BBC on Wednesday.

“During this consultation we remain open to approaches from a credible buyer,” Nestle added. MORE

15 Comments on Birth Rate Collapse: Baby Formula Factory Shipping to China to Shut Down Due to Lack of Demand

  1. Birthrate in China is collapsing because your average worker is out of work and has no way to feed his family. Courtesy of DJT. What is China’s market? The Europeans? Oh hell no. The Ruskies? LOL. No, it’s the American consumer. The same people they claim they want to kill. Te Morons with the plastic cards spending money on total bull shit while blindely jumping from page to page on the intranet. Talk about destroying your own cash flow. Xing Pinger has a huge problem. Do we go to war with our cash cow? Very stupid people on both sides. By the way, Xing Pingers daughter gradated from Harvard a couple years ago. Kinda strange letting your enemy educate your daughter.

  2. Japan has been going throught his for years now and they’re doing just fine. (No Musim immigrants whatsoever.) Don’t ‘worry’ so much about China’s problems, when all they have to do is sit and wait for our nation to implode from the Obama/Clinton/Biden poison.

  3. “Japan has been going throught his for years now and they’re doing just fine.”
    What planet are you from?

    This goes on for pages on a Google search. What the don’t say is the Japanese culture has turned sexually perverse. The men are gay, and so are the women.

  4. Economic warfare against the west.

    Double whammy – quit buying Nestles’ product (no more income) and the “workers” go on the Irish dole (greater outgo) while weakening the tax base.

    Funny how nobody can figure anything out until they’ve got a giant burning chink dick shoved up their asses.

    EU’s “leadershit” is selling out the EU just as America’s “leadershit” is selling out America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Why shut down? Seems to be a pretty huge need for the stuff right here. My two children have grown and flown, but I remember when you could actually walk into a store and purchase baby formula without having to get a clerk to unlock it. Have you seen the prices of the stuff now? Good Lord! If only there were some way of feeding infants naturally…

  6. It seems like just last year that there was a massive, chronic shortage of baby formula here, and now a major manufacturer has to close a plant due to lack of demand?

    I remember how we were frantically importing baby formula from Europe, all the shelves were empty, parents were tearing their hair out, people were trying to come up with makeshift substitutes, the government was hoarding formula for the babies of illegals, and now there’s so much formula out there that the makers are closing factories?

    Either the world supply chains are really f—ked up by stupid people or there was a massive effort to manipulate the market to scare vulnerable people as well as turn something which was once handed out like candy by pediatricians into a priceless commodity.

    Probably “and”, not “or”.


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