Black Americans Explain Why They Walked Away From The Democratic Party – IOTW Report

Black Americans Explain Why They Walked Away From The Democratic Party

DC: Brandon Straka, the openly gay former Democrat behind the recent movement to #Walkaway from liberalism sat down with The Daily Caller to discuss his new “documonial” called “The Great Awakening.”

The documonial features 20 black Americans who explain what made them decide to walk away from the Democratic party.

“It really tells the story of black America a by black America. It’s them telling their own stories in their own voices,” said Straka.  WATCH


4 Comments on Black Americans Explain Why They Walked Away From The Democratic Party

  1. “Black Americans Explain Why They Walked Away From The Democratic Party”

    …um, because Democrats were, are, and ever shall be a bunch of racist, divisive assholes who will never give ANYTHING to the Black community but poverty and hatred while having them kill their own babies under a program developed by eugenicist Margaret Sanger even as they lie to them in public schools to make them stupid and keep them that way, and expect nothing less than total fealty from them even as they bring up a DIFFERENT preferred minority community to supplant them?

    …that would seem reason enough for ME…

  2. A good start! Though it’ll take a while — who knows how long — for some black Americans to have an epiphany about the role of gov’t in their lives, vis Joy Villa talking about illegal aliens supplanting blacks in the “free stuff” line. She’s not understanding it yet and I’m surprised they chose to showcase her comments because she’s interpreting BLEXIT as replacing the D’s with another entity who will dole out stuff to “the black community.” She’s still describing obama’s scarcity mentality — there’s only so much pie to go around. I suppose it’s hard to understand real, personal freedom if you’ve been brainwashed your entire life to believe you’re under the thumb of whitey.

    (I thought Joy Villa was already exposed as a confused opportunist.)


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