Black Caucus Members Refuse To Denounce Hate Group Leader Louis Farrakhan – IOTW Report

Black Caucus Members Refuse To Denounce Hate Group Leader Louis Farrakhan

Racists, all.


DAILY CALLER: Twenty-one members of the Congressional Black Caucus facing questions about their ties to Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan have all refused to condemn the hate group leader.

The CBC, it was recently revealed, held a secret meeting with Farrakhan in 2005 but hid it from the public to avoid controversy. Twenty-one members of the caucus today were part of the caucus at the time of the secret Farrakhan meeting. All 21 declined to denounce Farrakhan when asked by The Daily Caller.

The Nation of Islam is so extreme that even the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center recognizes it as a hate group, citing the group’s “theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay rhetoric of its leaders.”

Farrakhan has praised Hitler, claimed Jews are “Satantic” and said that white people “deserve to die,” among other racist and anti-Semitic statements.

The 21 CBC members, all Democrats, include high-profile Trump critics like Maxine Waters and Al Green, who have long demanded the president’s impeachment.

Both Waters and Green are on tape hugging Farrakhan in 2006, a year after the CBC’s secret meeting with the hate group leader. The videos of Waters and Green resurfaced in a Wall Street Journal column following the publication of a photo of former President Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at the 2005 meeting.  READ MORE

SNIP: Silence is approval. Have you heard of any White Democrat congressmen complaining about this? No? Well then, next time a Prog (D or R) says President Trump is a racist (without any proof, of course) give them this list of racists and mention their racist, silent White cohorts.

If Calypso Louie can get 21 blind followers, then there should be no surprise of how Che Guevara got his.

9 Comments on Black Caucus Members Refuse To Denounce Hate Group Leader Louis Farrakhan

  1. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least for Farrakhan to have plans of becoming the 1st dictator of the US (well now it will have to be 2nd dictator, cuz obammy was the 1st). obama has already shown him that if he ever makes it into office he can do whatever the h-ll he wants and the media and paid off/incompetent/stupid politicians will do whatever he says and there will be no repercussions.

  2. It took blacks to sell their brother blacks into slavery. And History does repeat itself.
    Ever wonder who could possibly sell out a fellow human being?!
    Two hints: They look just like these creeps, and they have no hesitation to support islam.

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