Black Dallas Cop Sues Black Lives Matter, Soros for Inciting Race War – IOTW Report

Black Dallas Cop Sues Black Lives Matter, Soros for Inciting Race War

Breitbart: The head of a Dallas police organization is suing a collection of Black Lives Matter figureheads and other prominent individuals for allegedly inciting racial violence against American police officers.

Dallas Police Department Sergeant Demetrick Pennie, President of the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation, filed an amended federal complaint September 16 against more than a dozen defendant institutions and individuals to build a class action case on behalf of “police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities including but not limited to Jews, Christians and Caucasians” for “inciting” race riots and related violence.


10 Comments on Black Dallas Cop Sues Black Lives Matter, Soros for Inciting Race War

  1. Good! get a jury trial and maybe he will win! I think Trump ought to tell Hillary he will sue her if she pays anyone for information on him that isn’t 100% factual. she is desperate and may stoop to using unvetted information.

  2. He’ll need a good judge (actually I think it’s a panel of three) to review the case merits and allow it to go forward. If they decide it’s has no merits it stops right there. I’d love to see that fat Nazi Soros in discovery, having to tell the truth and disclose his assets even the hidden ones.

  3. Soros will be in a foreign zone with non-extradition policy. Maybe an embassy friendly to his cause. He will not be taken alive to appear. So issue the order to grab him, dead or alive. I am for shooting him continuously until he stops moving, then do the “right” thing and give him CPR, especially chest compressions, to assist the exsanguination.

  4. @VD: I find in this sort of situation where you really need some chest compressions of the sort you’re looking for, an anvil works quite nicely. Fwd – N – Rev, repeat as necessary with a humvee can also be a reasonable choice.

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