Black Dems: DNC is not working for us – IOTW Report

Black Dems: DNC is not working for us

RedAlert: Despite being led by a person of color in Tom Perez, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) isn’t really doing much to advance policies that are beneficial to Black Democrats.

According to BuzzFeed News, black-led political action committees are going around the DNC to carve their own policy and advocacy agenda as a part of the rebuilding process from the 2016 election, which was nothing short of disastrous for Democrats. In the eyes of several black leaders, the DNC simply hasn’t done enough.



18 Comments on Black Dems: DNC is not working for us

  1. This is good news. 8 years of catering just isn’t enough.

    Why don’t we just point out that everybody has the same Constitutional rights and keep repeating it until it sinks in.

  2. The “thinking” non-socialist democrats figured it out and left the Democrat party.
    All the DNC has left is to cater to the powerful elitists and mollify the users, losers and abusers.

  3. Gee Wally, after rioting and telling us they are no better off than they were in 1955, after more than half a century of democRats looting the treasury in their name selling them “Hope & Change” every election cycle, two terms of a Black Marxist Muslim Mallard and still living in run down, burned out, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, democRat-run, stinking big-city ghettos, it musta finally sunk in that democRats have been USING them!

  4. The party of Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr, Orville Faubus, Overton Brooks, Russell B. Long, John H. Overton, John Sparkman, Strom Thurmond, William Fulbright, Fielding L. Wright, Lee Brown (Bill Clinton’s former drug czar and Democrat mayor of Houston), Andrew Cuomo, Al “Bloodsucker” Sharpton, Donna “Cacker” Brazile, Van Jones (“The white polluters are steering poison into the people of color communities), Jesse Jackson, (Mr Hymietown himself), J. William Fulbright and the KKK themselves wouldn’t sell Blacks down the river would they?
    Oh, say it ain’t so…
    Go sell crazy somewhere else. We’re full up here!

  5. This is about an intra-party money squabble than any epiphany.

    Collective PAC aims to identify, recruit, and support progressive black candidates at every level of government… “There’s a coordinated effort to organize black money to get behind candidates and political initiatives, and if the DNC doesn’t follow through with these commitments, I can see these groups becoming stronger and black donors will start giving primarily to outside groups,” said James, of Collective PAC. “When that happens you have a much more leverage for demanding change.”

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