Black employees file class-action lawsuit against CNN – IOTW Report

Black employees file class-action lawsuit against CNN

AJC: Former and current black employees on Tuesday filed a class action lawsuit against Atlanta-based CNN, Turner Broadcasting and New York based parent company Time Warner for racial discrimination.

“As a result of the current discrimination lawsuit filed on behalf of DeWayne Walker vs. CNN, Time Warner & Turner, we have uncovered stories involving abuse of power, nepotism, revenge, retaliation and discrimination,” said Daniel Meachum said in a press release.

The press release provided a photo of DeWayne Walker, a CNN producer who sued CNN individually in January for $50 million for racial discrimination and retaliation for filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. He accused CNN of not promoting him over 13 years because he is black, skipped over frequently for promotions in favor of white employees.  more here

13 Comments on Black employees file class-action lawsuit against CNN

  1. I was waiting for someone to make the point that Donna Brazile was dismissed from CNN for issues of integrity when it was discovered she provided questions to Hillary prior to the town hall debate. I read that Wolf was discovered to have done basically the same thing but he didn’t lose his job like the black lady did.

  2. Being black doesn’t make you more qualified than equally or more qualified whites, Hispanics, Chinese or any other race for hiring or promotion.

    Nor should being black prohibit more qualified black candidates from being hired or promoted.

    Let’s see what the liberal court decides. Does being black trump knowledge, intelligence, experience and qualifications as it does in a large segment of society, such as Law enforcement, selections for post-secondary education, Universities, Fire Departments, Government and other areas enforcing “Quotas” over merit?
    Fair and equal opportunity has been under attack by DOJ and the government for a few decades, when will Fair and Equal Opportunity for all become the standard once again?

  3. After the Clinton and Obama years, why wouldn’t the Communist News Network think they would get away with abuse of power, nepotism, revenge, retaliation and discrimination? Very few blacks are smart enough to observe what the democrats are up to. Most blacks only pay attention to what the democrats tell them to think.

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