Black Employment at Record High – IOTW Report

Black Employment at Record High

( — The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported today that the employment level for black Americans, age 16 and over, seasonally adjusted, was at a record level in July of 19,481,000 employed.

That is the highest number recorded by the BLS since it started tallying the data in 1972. In June, the number was 19,199,000. 

In related news, the employment numbers for July show that the national unemployment rate held at 3.7% and the unemployment rate for blacks held at 6.0%, which is closest to the near-record low of 5.9%, from May 2018. more

11 Comments on Black Employment at Record High

  1. Good job, evil Trumpian rethugliKKKans, this is the new slavery, forcing helpless American Africans to work on your corporate plantations. Take away their freedom not to work, what’s next, their vote?

    Repent of being white so St. Peter can allow you access into his holy presence!

  2. Trump “put ’em all back in chains” it looks like.

    All those poor blacks working for the man, being productive, instead of laying around at home doing nothing on welfare.

    Damn that Trump!

  3. Just imagine how much better it would be with:

    *Government Debt Forgiveness
    *Free Education as a basic right
    *Free Healthcare as a basic right
    *Free Housing as a basic right
    *Free Food as a basic right
    *Free Clothing as a basic right
    *Free Internet as a basic right
    *Free Entertainment as a basic right
    *3 letter word: JOBS as a basic right

    Get rid of money all together. We’d be at 0% unemployment for everyone in a matter of 1 week after electing democrats. In 3 weeks, even the dead would be considered employed, putting us at roughly NEGATIVE 50% unemployment, with 150% participation rate. There’d be rainbows and unicorns on all street corners with houses made of gold.

    How could you haters not vote for that?

  4. Would love to see the “Progs” come totally unglued if President Trump can manage to get the Black Unemployment under 2% before the November 2020 elections. I’ll bet they’ll claim it’s a new Russian Conspiracy. Then there’s their old standby “ORANGE MAN BAD”.

  5. …great.

    Now can we quit keeping statistics by race?

    …with all the “identification” going on, it doesn’t mean anything anyway, no one is any ONE thing, and singling out this race or that race is just dividing people into boxes they don’t necessarily fit into, thus fueling identity politics for no reason other than being able to say ” look what I did for THAT race!”, when the ONLY “race” they SHOULD be concerned with is the HUMAN one of ALL Americans…

  6. No wonder the negroes are all pissed off.

    Easier to sit in front of a TV, drink muscatel, and smoke crack.
    Between them and the mexicans, the couch is getting a workout!
    Add to that the youfs who’ve learned absolutely NOTHING in 4 years of college and the couch’s springs are singing.

    They don’t want to work – they want free shit – otherwise they wouldn’t vote the way they do – 90-98% of the time – and they sure as Hell wouldn’t be crying about “reparations” which most of em (I’m making this up) can’t even spell.

    In aggregate – people get the government they deserve – in aggregate (assuming elections have consequences).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Teresa, “LonGiland” LOLOL

    More and more black people are speaking out and refusing to be glued to the Democrats’ backsides. It’s been great to see. I pray the trend continues.

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