Black exec fired for challenging diversity orthodoxy at Apple – IOTW Report

Black exec fired for challenging diversity orthodoxy at Apple

Spero; After just six months after her appointment, Apple’s vice president of diversity and inclusion was fired an outcry ensued after she said that merely being a woman or belonging to a minority group are not the sole criteria for diversity. Denise Young Smith made the comments during a One Young World Summit in Bogotá, Colombia. She told her listeners in October, “There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation.”

“Diversity is the human experience,” Young Smith said. “I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.”

Young Smith’s critics understood her comments were to defend Apple’s overwhelmingly white male leaders. Smith later apologized for her remarks, claiming that they “were not representative of how I think about diversity or how Apple sees it.” In an email, she said, “For that, I’m sorry. More importantly, I want to assure you Apple’s view and our dedication to diversity has not changed.” Young Smith had worked for Apple for twenty years and had served as the company’s head of worldwide human resources. Smith will leave Apple at the end of this year.  read more

28 Comments on Black exec fired for challenging diversity orthodoxy at Apple

  1. A Trotsky-ite!
    Or is it a Rohm-ist?

    Can’t keep em straight, but I’m sure they must be purged.
    Must maintain the purity of the Party Line!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Forcing a diverse environment for the sake of diversity is just stupid. Race and gender quotas don’t lead to anything but performance and innovation stagnation.
    There is a poster where I work promoting a speech by some DuPont “person” who they say was instrumental in forcing what they call diversity in the corporation. Her description says she is the highest ranking “outed” employee. Ho-ray for her…
    The speech is sponsored by some sexual deviant group that is in such a flux that they had to add a + at the end of the list of letters that define their “diverse” group because they don’t know what new DISORDER they must include next week….

  3. So the Left is now purging the black female hyphenated surname 20-year HR VP’s.

    Insufficient ideological purity, Comrade.

    Because Apple, smartphones and the Internet were all totally invented by LBGTQ+ POC’s.

  4. Diversity?

    How about rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Democrats?

  5. And the 1950’s were supposedly the high water mark of corporate conformity. A very good satirical play could be produced about modern corporate conformity. But good satire requires a sense of humor and self knowledge.

  6. @ Cliche Guevara: dittos! I will never own an apple product either. Rush Limbaugh is always praising them and even gives out free I-phones to callers. I have no idea why he praises them and buys their product because they hate his guts as well.

  7. Funny. Apple is the least diverse of any company. Run a billion dollar business on a phone and a failed watch? Well, if the lemmings are there to back you, I guess so, just keep releasing the same thing “but better.”

  8. The open secret that must not be mentioned is that diversity means ‘not white’. She ought to have known better than to “explain” diversity. If you feel you have to explain it, you have committed thoughtcrime, punishable by loss of career.


    If a white man sues for racism against Apple, the jury can automatically assume it is acceptable based on their history of discriminatory behavior.

    $ CHA-CHING! $

  10. I guess she thought 20 years at Apple earned her the right to speak her mind. Nope. I wonder who Apple is scared of? The LGBT or the SJW, the Blacks? None of them will boycott Apple. They’ll talk a good game but when Apple comes out with the next iPhone, like good little sheep they’ll line up to purchase. Except maybe the urban blacks who’ll line up at the subway to grab one. As far as Apple only having 3% black executives well maybe if blacks actually earned their way into college, stayed the course and graduated that number would go up. You’re not putting the fate of your company in the hands of an affirmative action, qutoa hired lame college degreed employee. If women would enroll in the hard sciences at the same rate as men (and graduated) and put in the horrendus hours men do when beginning their careers then they’d be more represented in the Apple workforce as well. Now they’ve got a new crook from Deliotte who I’ll be the first thing she does is hire her old firm to do a study on Apples hiring and diversity.

  11. There is no diversity of Thought among those who preach Diversity. Indeed, they are offended when they encounter Diversity. The Left wishes nothing more than to assert its Will upon others and demand rigid compliance to its Orthodoxy.

  12. Oh the irony – A diversity VP fired by a diverse company for having diverse thoughts about diversity. The executive ranks of Apple is now less diverse.

    “Apple, Rotten to the Core”

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