Black Leaders in Portland Criticize Violent Protesters – IOTW Report

Black Leaders in Portland Criticize Violent Protesters

WFB:While mainstream media outlets have tried to paint Portland’s protests as “mostly peaceful,” local black leaders have criticized demonstrators for destroying private and public property in the city—actions that they say distract from the call for racial justice.

Rachelle Dixon, vice chair of Portland’s Multnomah County Democrats, said the destruction was “disturbing.”

“To see people standing in Portland destroying property and not actually doing the work of advocating for black people was disturbing,” Dixon told the New York Times. “I think they’re a distraction from the everyday needs of people of color, especially black people. My life is not going to improve because you broke the glass at the Louis Vuitton store.” read more

15 Comments on Black Leaders in Portland Criticize Violent Protesters

  1. You could go one further, I heard a black conservative today talking about how this is all mostly white liberals ensuring destruction of minority owned inner city businesses, taking away all the benefit they’ve created and received under the Trump years. Sort of like payback, you will obey and you need to stay where we tell you – voting dem and taking what we hand out. Hope a lot of people start seeing that.

  2. “Black Leaders in Portland…”

    …well, good for her and all them opposed to rioting, but I still don’t get this whole “Black Leader” thing. Is it an elected position? Does it have any qualifications? How do you quantify who and how many a “Black Leader” leads, and can some of those people op out? Or are all self-appointed “Black Leaders” automatically considered to speak for ALL Black people (as long as they say pro-Democrat things, eh, Joe?) without anyone being allowed to question it or you’re a RAYYYCISS?

    …I don’t have a White spokesman or anyone leading me in my Whiteness, or that speaks for me because they are a fellow White. Guess I’m just to ofay to get this concept of automatic racial solidarity = automatic blanket racial spokesperson.

    …so to recap, Black people have Black leaders because, Black.

    There are NO White leaders given that title of White leader for White people because we do not have and are not allowed racial solidarity like that.

    …and yet somehow it’s White people that are racist, go figure…

  3. Anyone remember the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation from a few years ago? An actual non-violent protest, except by the right. Governor Kate got tough with THEM; sent in the OSP, called up and cooperated with Federal agencies, and finally shot and killed LeVoy Finicum. Why so tough then, and so weak now? We all know the answer.

  4. As an interesting aside:
    In Baltimore, the black protestors of 2020 are actually keeping the lid on most of the burners and looters after spending the last five years having to live with the 2015 Freddie Gray riots destruction of the city areas they wrecked.
    They have actually detained some Antifa agents who were getting violent with fireworks and turned them in to the cops.

  5. The real, honest to God, black community leaders who rise organically in their communities are frozen out unless they go full prog. The media conspires with the Democrat machine to deny the, a microphone and put these prog hacks out there in their place. I’ve seen it first hand and have been assured that it plays out the same in every community in America.

  6. @ John JULY 29, 2020 AT 1:42 PM

    Instead of “detained some Antifa agents who were getting violent with fireworks and turned them in to the cops” I was hoping to read that they had administered a bit of hemp & elm therapy

  7. This is a widening rift between BLM and antifa. Let them fight it out like bolsheviks and mensheviks and destroy each other.

    Antifa thinks we’re all oppressed, and BLM thinks only black people are oppressed. Conservatives don’t believe anybody is oppressed and are mostly confident of the future. We’re not slaves or worked to death factory hands anymore.

  8. That mayor Wheeler is an abomination. And stupid. You would think he’d get a clue when he tried to join a riot only to be heaped with abuse by the rioters.

    The rioters are led by Marxists who hate liberals as much, if not more than they hate conservatives and free market supporters. They see liberals as the bigger enemy because they lull the ignorant masses into believing that voting is the way to eliminate capitalism and bring on socialism. The hard-core communists just want to imprison or kill both liberals and conservatives.

    Wheeler and the other liberal mayors and governors are too dumb to understand communist thinking. They may well be the first victims, all the while exclaiming “But, but, but…I’m on your side”.

    It would not surprise me to see antifa turn even more terroristic and assassinate some of these liberal politicians.


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