Black Leaders In Seattle Condemn Protesters and Praise Police Chief – IOTW Report

Black Leaders In Seattle Condemn Protesters and Praise Police Chief

WFB: Black activists and faith leaders in Seattle criticized Black Lives Matter protesters for violence in their city and voiced their support for police chief Carmen Best.

“Being a black woman, she has the perspective of some of the groups that have the most troubled relationships with law enforcement,” Leslie Braxton, a local reverend, said in a Thursday press conference.

Best, Seattle’s first black police chief, announced on Aug. 10 she would step down after the city council approved sweeping police reform legislation that would cut millions in funding and nearly 100 officers from the city’s police force. Best said the city council’s move was “reckless” and provides “no practical plan for community safety.”

Police reform activist Andre Taylor, whose brother was shot and killed by Seattle police, criticized protesters marching in the name of Black Lives Matter. read more

24 Comments on Black Leaders In Seattle Condemn Protesters and Praise Police Chief

  1. Guess the blacks are starting to figure out that they’re being used by a bunch of dumbass communists who are in turn being used by the corporate fascist state to destroy the US middle and working classes. Too bad that stupid fat bints and faggots who make up the US left are too psychotic to see whose interests they’re actually playing for. Nobody who is interested in the quality of life for working people calls for open borders, nobody.

  2. after 3 months of Burn,Loot,Murder …. NOW … they’re gonna go all pouty face & rally around the black police chief that quit?

    … guess somebodies polling #s are going in the right direction

  3. One can take any local or national poll asking black Americans if they want the police defunded and apply it across the board, including cities like Seattle, and you will get the same answer: “No!”

    This is the one question that separates the (white, progressive, nanny-SJWs) from the blacks who live in the hard-bitten areas of all U.S. cities and who face the daily reality, as in Chicago, of genuine fearfulness of sitting on one’s front porch, sending your child to the corner store, or letting their children play in a vacant lot or at the local school yard or park. As we are all too well aware, some people aren’t safe at funerals. #Blexit and #WalkAway are moving like a prairie fire right now because of BLM’s ACAB and “defund the poice” messages and movements.

  4. @Brad it looks like it was a pro police rally that then was starting to disperse to be replaced with Proud Boys and all were attacked by AntiFa.

    I’m torn about pushback to AntiFa because of how it’ll be spun to hurt Trump. Better to just let Portland and Seattle fall to the radicals. See, this is the Utopia they seek. Pretty, ain’t it? 🤷‍♀️

    The Portland police were hit with sh*t balloons last night. That even shocked them in all of the stuff they have seen since the riots started.

  5. Well the Black leaders had better get down there and tell Antifa to get out.
    But they can’t because they will get their asses beat and they know it.
    This is not about BLM anymore.
    They want free shit and they aim to take it.
    We had them 1 mile away from us last week and they beat a man just for asking them to be quiet at 12:30 In the morning.. Queen Anne. Home.

  6. @Geoff I worry about you two being so close to downtown. AntiFa is getting bolder and going more and more into residential neighborhoods.

    How this is acceptable to anyone…none of it makes sense.

  7. It’s really pretty simple. All the Nor-Cal patriots, all the Oregon and Washington Patriots know where to go and where to find it. Get lawyered up….quit the talk and do something….3 months of this shit and nothing but braggadocios bravado….bring “Q” with you. They predict this shit….Q will lead the charge….I’ll be 3 days behind waiting to see if you all are serious….

  8. Regarding the demos and counter-demos in Portland today, this was reported by Fox News:

    “Extremist groups like the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization that is openly chauvinistic, racist and xenophobic, and Antifa, an anti-fascist group were present for today’s rallies.”

    I am disgusted with Fox News. Time to move completely to OAN news.

  9. Illustr8r

    This happened at Berkeley. Our side figured out they could hold their own and the next meet up was a serious ass kicking for Antifa. Let’s hope that happens here and spreads to Seattle.

  10. Jimmy the little fat bastards came up west side of the hill. Easy walk.
    Most people would go out and sing them a song.
    Not us we would send them running for their lives.
    (Well Me)
    I am in a bad mood right now.
    I am sick of the chaos.

  11. Low base trap shot. On to number eight. Follow with high base number four. Twelve gauge no choke, shortest barrel allowed by law (spray it, you’re trying to cause fear, not injury or death, with the traps and eight). Anything past that, may as well step up to double ought and call it good. This only if government continues to abet and support the rioters.

    It is a sorry commentary on a government that seeks to disarm the citizens, allowing, encouraging and abetting violent riots, assaults and looting by a favored group.

  12. My Ohio friends have no understanding as to what is really going on out here. They had their BLM protests early on and it got out of hand a little then. The financial backing, organizing and local support is lacking there. Columbus tries to have daily protests but only a dozen sign wavers in black with pink hair ever show up.

  13. Geoff, I sympathize hardily. As a college student, I use to run up Queen Anne Hill from sea level and then all around it. So I used to know it well. Haven’t been up there in years (unlike Capitol Hill which I’ve visited many times just for nostalgia purposes).

    I’ve thought of several things I could do to monitor my current neighborhood better but haven’t done them yet: wireless cameras and microphones. I’ve got the audio gear (mic’s good to 500′ etc.) but not the camera(s). Problem is, the mic’s (and cameras to be useful) require batteries and are only good for 8 hours. So, tactically, they’d have to be enabled for a real incident only. Another option is motion detectors (driveways, porches, etc.). Of course, another option is to sleep with a window and ear open – the point being to become aware of an incident about to happen while you can still control your response to it.

    Just like ‘snow routes’ for snow snow storms (and earthquakes!), if I lived in Seattle right now, I’d need a plan for likely scenarios.

  14. Jimmy most people do not know how big Seattle is size wise. Our park land is as big as some cities, and my home town Portland has more acres of parks then Seattle.

  15. Wow, Geoff. “I know where you live!” 😀

    My favorite time of year to run up there was late October, late evening, with a chilly 50 deg. wind and blowing leaves all over the place. Beautiful it was.

    Keep your ears and eyes peeled and stay safe, good man!


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