Black Lives Matter Activist Exposed as White – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter Activist Exposed as White

If you’re keeping track of the country’s racial privilege balance, this is the third case in a short time of lefties caught pretending to be black.

27 Comments on Black Lives Matter Activist Exposed as White

  1. Why is it that it seems like liberal progressive white woman are always the ones pretending to be black?

    Perhaps the real problem with America is progressive white woman.

    Ya ya, i know- you’re gonna bring Shaun King into the discussion but there’s always an exception to the rule and he is a whining white bitch isn’t he…

  2. Not just the women have this weird obsession. A commercial glass owner I did some contract work for in w Texas, an ex navy vet no less, told me once how he thought blacks were just the bee’s knees and admit it MM, when you were in high school, didn’t you wish you were black??

    I looked at him like are you nucking futz? I told him when I was in high school my usually blue balls was the only color I was aware of.

    He never mentioned it again and that was the last time I did any work for him.

  3. …it’s pretty understandable, really. Kids always follow after the dominant culture. Because of political pressure, only Ghetto Black is allowed to be the dominant culture. Some of this is just trying to find the best fit in the world they’ve grown up in…

    …also, there are HUGE, racially discriminatory, institutionalized, Government-sponsored advantages to being Black right now. Because of these blatant violations of the 14th Amendment, kids HAVE to lie to get the best chance at college admission, scholarships, employment, loans, etc., because White on the EEOC forms has become a HUGE handicap.

    They’re even being told now that it’s Open Season on White people, and they can see for THEMSELVES that there’s no justice if you’re White, even if you’re MURDERED, even if your 5 year old is shot in the head in broad daylight.

    Can’t blame them for trying to find a way around all the invidious discrimination they face EVERY day, that can deny them everything from good grades to the right of their children to LIVE because of their skin color, and NO OTHER REASON…

    …thanks, Democrats…

  4. This is confusing
    SO, as of this morning, it is acceptable to identify as a sex that one is not, but one can not identify as a different race.
    I guess I’ll let that roll for today and check back tomorrow to see if anything has changed.
    Can I identify as a millionaire and spend money that I don’t have? Maybe that is OK until they get to that one.
    This has to be a computer simulation

  5. I remember when she was in Simply Red and “Holding Back the Years” was hit…man, the years go by fast.

    I thought the same thing!!!! I couldn’t think of the band name. lol

  6. SNS — All good points, true. But….desiring to be something you’re not, something you weren’t genetically created to be and then acting on it…that’s mental illness. This is someone creating an entirely different persona based solely on skin color. I may want to be a blueberry or a cat, but dying my skin or gluing cat fur to myself is not going to change what I am.

    These are people who, instead of recognizing that our gov’t and society are screwed up, have decided to go mental in order to accommodate a messed up situation.

    This is way beyond “When in Rome..”

  7. “Cole — who uses pronouns they/them — worked with Indy10 Black Lives Matter and Indy SURJ, apologized and admitted lying in a social media post.”

    Mental illness manifesting itself in many ways.

    Yeah, she’s IN Indiana, but in Indianapolis, our capitol and home of feckless D’s & R’s. They think they speak for all of Indiana but they’re WRONG. Most of the common sense in Indiana resides OUTSIDE of Marion County, where Indy is.

  8. Water Mellon Man is also an accurate description of another facet of their mentality. Environmentalist Green on the outside, concealing Communists Red on the inside. With little black seeds.

  9. “Why is it that it seems like liberal progressive white woman are always the ones pretending to be black?”

    Progressive white women are narcissistic. They constantly fear not having attention. Who better to emulate for attention than so called “black victims” of racism progressive socialists create and in a twisted way, they idolize.

    Psychologists make most of their money treating neurotic white women – the Original Karens.


    Just because someone is dog squeeze ugly does not mean they are BLACK. The hell is this? These people look in the mirror and say…”I’m so ugly people will think I’m black.”

    That’s just wrong. WRONG.

    Just because you have a giant flat nose, crappy hair and a speech impediment doesn’t mean you’re necessarily black.

    Man these people are so insensitive.

  11. “Why is it that it seems like liberal progressive white woman are always the ones pretending to be black?”

    Actually, they heard once you go black you’ll never go back but they’re Lesbians.

  12. True, Burr. You’re all about the “feels”. If you can get BFH back on track, you are the guy to motivate ugly black people to rebel and peacefully protest against being taken advantage of by ugly white progressive lesbians…er, women. I say, “Own your truth ugly black people!”

  13. M…..Maybe Fur thinks he’s black.

    That would explain a lot.

    Dude just woke up one day, looked in the mirror and said “F the white man, I ain’t makin’ anymore artcrap”

    Now he spends all his days in a hammock perpetuating black stereotypes.

    Damn K̶y̶l̶e̶, you have issues.

  14. I met a guy with blue eyes and blond hair who worked at the University of Maryland (back in the 90s) who tried to have himself registered negro for employment purposes. Iron-clad employment. Drugs, alcohol, absenteeism, tardiness – NOTHING would get em fired. Negro female would be double insurance.

    He claimed he was “black Irish.”

    Since he was maintenance staff he was told “NO” – if he’d been a professor he’da got away with it – like Warren and some others.

    izlamo delenda est …


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