Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women

American Thinker: The Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent riots by Antifa, the Democrat party’s domestic terrorist arm, have shown Americans what leftism is — an ugly combination of social and government coercion, racism, violence, and anti-Americanism.  It’s also revealed that the American left has been using American blacks as a vehicle for political power without any regard for actually improving black people’s lives.  Instead, the left destroys their communities and doubles down on damaging policies.

What few have pointed out, though, is the way BLM protests have revealed the damage that decades of leftist messaging have visited on straight, young, white women. more

15 Comments on Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women

  1. The daughters of almost every family I know are a train wreck. Those raised in so-called good families seem to be the worst of the bunch.
    Most of these girls are well versed in commie rhetoric without an ounce of common sense or ability to take care of themselves. Many of them feel compelled to date foreign men who either get them pregnant or marry them and abuse them.
    I just got a phone call yesterday about a daughter of a friend getting married out of nowhere. This is a very young and very innocent girl.
    She went away to college and is now back with a guy from a foreign country that is an enemy of the United States.
    The gift list was so incredible that we didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She had a list at Amazon asking for Batteries, a plant, bandaids, pencils and more things that most people already have. Her family is very wealthy. Nothing like towels, pots and pans, dishes or anything needed for living together. God help us when they have Children.

  2. They are the most spoiled people in world history; Millenial/Gen Z white females—Given absolutely every advantage ever. They even get the chance to indulge in their patriarchy/I’m a victim fantasy as they take over everything. Their life of depression/prozac is so well deserved. What a bunch of complete jerks.

  3. After raising 5 daughters to adulthood, 3 are right-thinking Americans, one a work in progress, and one (the UofO grad) is a leftist. Still holding out hope for the lefty. I remind her that her business is now bankrupt thanks to our idiot democrat governor.

  4. White females are driven by emotion. A lot of them are rejection junkies. There’s no better cause than BLM to trigger an emotional response while simultaneously reject them based on skin color. Therein lies the reason they shouldn’t have the right to vote. All of Biden’s faults in which we laugh at daily and use as reasons to disqualify him are the same reasons why white women will vote for him. Particularly single white women. Single women who have been rejected by men and driven by emotion.

  5. Millennial and late Gen-X females are largely over-sexed, over-socialized, over-stimulated, overly obsessive and saturated with Marxism indoctrination, not to mention being generally obtuse, aggressive, impulsive brats. Bad parenting, Marxist public education, Hollywood and social media were the perfect storm to wreck their development.

    I watched it all start in the 90’s and early 2000’s as my two sons grew up. A lot of the boys then were literally appalled by many of their female classmates.

  6. They embrace lifestyles and political philosophies that all valid studies have shown are where depression and mental health issues flourish… and then play the sympathy card. No sympathy here. They have freely chosen to reject thousands of years of Jewish and Christian teaching, in which people stistcically and by a wide margin, live the most prosperous, joyful, happy and fulfilling lives.

  7. The urge to fit in and blend with the crowd at that age is compelling. No amount of logic can penetrate their emotional and rebellious skulls. You just have to hope they wake up before their lives are completely destroyed. The prognosis is grim.


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