BLACK MAN in a MAGA Hat – IOTW Report



“The BEST thing to ever happen to me financially was when I was kicked off Food Stamps because I started making too much money. 26 years ago, I was homeless and sleeping on the streets of Atlanta. Through the Grace of God, hard work and the support from many fellow Americans (blacks, whites, Jews & Gentiles); I conquered my adversity and started living my American Dream independent from Government Assistance. This spirit of American Exceptionalism is what MAGA is all about. The United States gives each person the BEST chance of success to work hard and become the greatest version of themselves while embracing patriotism, faith and a willingness to help others become free. Our country is not perfect and it’s going to take ALL of us to make America great for MORE of us. We don’t have to always agree, but we can work together through mutual respect to create a more perfect union.” YG Nyghtstorm 5 years ago, YG Nyghtstorm walked away from the Democratic Party. Here’s why…

16 Comments on BLACK MAN in a MAGA Hat

  1. I work on a golf course and I wear my MAGA hat every day. It just says MAGA, I had them made up last year and mailed them to friends.
    You may be surprised about the many young guys who say to me “love your hat man,” and give me a high five. Things are changing.
    Just today I had eight young men high five me for the hat even though I was reprimanding them for violating the cart path rule.
    (Carts on paths only due to conditions) Sorry Sir, they’d say, but we love your hat. I told them, Just vote in November guys. They loved it.
    Made my day.

    The libtards are going to be slaughtered in November,bet on it!

  2. Very good vid, he mentions American Exceptionalism twice:

    @ 2:50 and @ 6:15.

    A BLACK MAGA hat is a GREAT weapon to trigger the BLACKNESS of antifa.

    I want one NOW. PRONTO. STAT.

    To add to my collection…of red and white.

    BTW can someone tweet out or whatever that POTUS should make hats in BLUE for those blue states that pulled us over goal line and into the end zone.

    THAT would be a good troll…and add to the national color trifecta.


  3. Bad Brad ask BFH, nicely, to show you a picture of my MAGA hat. Your’s
    is great but mine is simple.
    Let me know how to get on of yours Bro.
    Mine are all sold out, all ten of them.

  4. I have a good friend I’ve known for about 10 years. A black man originally from South Carolina I believe. Military family. The guy talks like John Lee Hooker sings. Comes from a military family. He has three brothers with the same background. I think all four were Rangers. He had to go back for a relatives funeral. All of his brothers had slid into government jobs and were card carrying Libtards. As he says, they weren’t that way when we served. It’s that economic bubble thing.

  5. My liberal friends don’t think that #WalkAway is real. The most Left posted the same article about #WalkAway billboards using Stock photography. I’ll bet that they have researched the WalkAway movement and fearing that its real REAL tell themselves it’s all fake by reading and rereading that one article.

  6. So many attributes to this guy, it’s hard to name them all. I’d like to hear the rest of his story. Sounds like he gives inspirational (turn your life around) talks for a living.

    Love his laugh! With a heartfelt laugh like that, he’d have to be on our side. Great advice on how to talk with skeptics.


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