Black Man Who Sucker-Punched 12-Year-Old Boy Dancing on Missouri Sidewalk Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison – IOTW Report

Black Man Who Sucker-Punched 12-Year-Old Boy Dancing on Missouri Sidewalk Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison

Gateway Pundit:
Missouri – The man who sucker-punched a 12-year-old child dancing on a sidewalk last summer was sentenced to 7 years in prison.

Last July two boys were street dancing in Cape Girardeau, MO with their instructor Michael ‘Crank’ Curry.

That’s when a car pulled over, a black man jumped out and he sucker-punched the 12-year-old child, giving him a concussion.

Then he jumped back in his car and sped off. more

17 Comments on Black Man Who Sucker-Punched 12-Year-Old Boy Dancing on Missouri Sidewalk Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison

  1. Yes, black man viciously punched the white boy. Good black folks came over to help the white kid.

    Let’s focus on the good as much, or more, than we focus on the bad. Our future depends to a great degree on the millions of decent and conservative black people who care about our country. They are Americans too and want to live in a peaceful prosperous environment as much as anybody.

  2. No hate crime charge because assault would have to be categorized as lesser crime? Somebody pls explain.

    “In accordance with state statutes, this charge would only apply if the assault was categorized to a lesser degree, which would not be in the best interest of seeking true justice for the victim.”

  3. Out at night, dancing in a black neighborhood, slow rolling car stops nearby…

    Hope he went to the head of the SA Class with this experience.

    I keep saying if you’re seeing more than a rare & infrequent black where you live, everyday is Russian Roulette Day.

  4. Wow, the former astronaut, graduate of the Air Force Academy, for his second DUI, has an accident driving 100 Mph, kills two young girls in the other vehicle and gets two years in prison.

    Ex-NASA astronaut takes plea deal in traffic death case
    Search domain nypost.com

    Now tell me again that Justice is served.
    The justice system is broken !

  5. ALL non-Jewish Democrats should be wearing a blue patch on their shirts, with a (depending on race) white or black “D” in the middle to warn future victims… sort of a reverse-Hitler tactic.

    There, fixed it. Somebody make me sammich!

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