Black News Channel Shuts Down 2 Years After Launch – IOTW Report

Black News Channel Shuts Down 2 Years After Launch

Never heard of it.

Black News Channel is shutting down after originally launching in 2020 and will file for bankruptcy, according to an email sent to staff on Friday. more

31 Comments on Black News Channel Shuts Down 2 Years After Launch

  1. Wait a minute here…..With the trillions of dollars our betters are throwing around, we couldn’t find a billion for a black owned news channel?

    Biden, AOC, Pelosi, where are you at?

    Did the Black News Channel need to burn the buildings themselves for their broadcasts to make them important?

    Asking for a friend you hooded racists.

  2. gotta wonder how all those commercials w/ black men hooked up w/ white women, & white metrosexuals w/ black women are doing? along w/ the asian women w/ the white eunuch & the multi-racial kids sitting around the dinner table

    the vast majority of us can all relate … right?

  3. That there even was “Black News” was the problem.

    Decades ago it was noted that more than 50% of “blacks” were middle class.

    Stop using “black” (race) as a euphamism for morally bankrupt urban dwellers.

  4. I went to some shithole in Waldorf looking for a Valentine’s Day card for Jennifer.

    I looked through most of the shit on that display and some employee walked up to me and whispered, “This is the mahogany display.”


    “These are Valentine’s Cards for negroes.”

    “Negroes have different cards? I mean, I know something is wrong here…”

    I looked through dozens of cards and thought, “What the fuck?”

    Then I remembered the illustrious artwork at Boomland. Black Jesus giving the black family a home with an attached garage. Then I knew something was fucked up.

  5. If they hadn’t runn “COPS!” & LIVE:PD off the air, we’d still HAVE black only news!


  6. Nobody watched it because they were too busy trying to get ID so they could vote. No car, no fax, no internet, no Kinko’s sure makes it hard on the target audience. /s

  7. “La Quisha done foaled another welfare recipient – she bees callin his name Louse. He a cute l’il niggah.”

    “DeSchwanne gotz a sale on Coke/Fentanyl poppers down on 2nd Avenue.”

    “Ka Kunte Smiff been arrested, again, for smash and grab down at the jewry stow. That dumb niggah’ll never learn!”

    “An now a commershal for all you mutherfuckers got headaches an shit …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda et …

  8. I disagree Brad. If more than ~10-15% of blacks had the thought, Black News WTF?, I’d be surprised. And in some of the places I lived in my more foolish days, that percentage would be near zero with a “fucking white man always got his boot on us” chaser.

  9. The problem with black news is it’s the same six stories over and over with a differing cast of characters (at least when they’re not covering repeat offenders).

  10. Black News commentary:

    “Bad tundah stomes went tru Nawlin’s las’ week, cuz white folks seeded the clouds & shit, youknowhatimsayin’.”

    “Iflashun is gettin’ worse cuz white folks won’t gib us mo’ munny & shit, yo!”

    “We gonna interview a successful black business owner who just set up a scholarship fund, and ask him why he bein’ a repulikan sellout unka tom & shit… muthahfukah.”

  11. I bet the lede stories on the nightly news show included announcing the locations of the free nightly ‘retail therapy’ lessons, as well as the prices of the recreational pharmaceuticals available on select street corners.

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