Black-Only Reparations? Good Luck! – IOTW Report

Black-Only Reparations? Good Luck!

American Thinker: On February 10, Steve Hilton’s The Next Revolution Fox TV program had a small panel discussing the infamous “Green New Deal.”  One of the guests, Tezlin Figaro, wasn’t happy.  She allowed that she was tired of hearing about the green deal and that it is time for a black New Deal.

She wanted reparations of various types, but exclusively for blacks.  When it was brought up that in the last two years, black unemployment had drastically improved, she just said, “Not good enough.”  She repeated this line to several issues that were brought up to show improvements in the black community.  She wanted plans for blacks only.  All this was because they had suffered from slavery and by extension reduced opportunity over the years.

People rarely take this direct tack anymore.  These days, there’s a little more finesse, trying to include all aggrieved parties.  Ms. Figaro was having none of it — blacks are deserving of their own attention and special programs.

Since I firmly assert my right to disagree with a black person and not be called a racist, I feel justified in pointing out a couple of things.

There are two problems with her theory.

1. Who is “black”?

2. Whatever the amount, it will never be enough.  You can’t stick one little pinky toe in these waters.

On the first issue — who is actually “black”?    more

25 Comments on Black-Only Reparations? Good Luck!

  1. First of all, Americans of African descent should thank their lucky stars that their ancestors were brought here as slaves. If they were still in Africa, they would be fighting over carrion with jackals to survive.

    Secondly, if Blacks were paid reparations, within months it would all be spent on hair weaves and spinning rims and then the next generation would have their hands out expecting theirs and the cycle would repeat. It would never end.

  2. Slavery had been abolished before both sides of my family tree LEGALLY immigrated to this country. Why are my tax dollars going to be used for reparations? I demand exemption.

  3. Reparations have happened through various agencies for decades, the Farm in your flower pot scam sent out over $1 billion dollars…it will be in the open within 10 years and the Black vote will be one Party 98 percent…Islam next…Islamo Delende Est..but first Progressive communists..

  4. Tezlin forgets that we’ve read our Kipling:

    And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
    But we’ve proved it again and again,
    That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
    You never get rid of the Dane.

    I guess we just need to get rid of the Dane. Metaphorically, of course. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  5. Shouldn’t those of us who had ancestors who fought for the Union to defeat the Confederates and end slavery be exempt because they already paid in blood and sacrifice be exempt, it’s only fair. I guess fairness or sanity doesn’t count or apply if you’re a liberal with a never ending grudge over a war that was fought and won 150 + years ago. 600,000 + deaths on both sides should be enough of a price paid to end slavery. No reparations ever, none of us who are alive now had anything to do with the sins of our forefathers from both the North and the South.

  6. Let’s use science.
    If they have DNA evidence that they are decedents of slaves.
    And have DNA evidence that I am a decedent of slave owners.
    By the time it all got tested I’d be to old to give $hit.
    Ooh, to late.

    Anything for more free money? The democrats just go pick it off the tree, or your pocket.

    And isn’t there a statute of limitations. I would think 150 years “should” be enough.

  7. A What if: What if we paid out reparations to all black people in this country. Assume that all those people who were ” paid” are now satisfied. Are we done with this then? Or will the NEXT generation of black people start demanding reparations be paid to THEM, too?

  8. Well, I demand reparations from England for the way my ancestors were enslaved and taken to America in chains (Scot-Irish forcefully deported).

    And, as my ancestors were from the “Tin Islands” I want reparations from the Italians (Julius Caesar’s Legions) for their conquest and subsequent enslavement and exploitation.

    And I demand that Egypt pay me reparations because I might be 1/1024 Jew.

    And I demand reparations for the “Trail of Tears” as my Great Grandmother on my
    Father’s side was a Cherokee (of so someone mentioned while drunk).

    Oh! And I demand … &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Here’s your reparations:
    Every time you encounter a safety seal on any product
    Every time you go through a green light safely
    Every time you eat something prepared for you by strangers and don’t die of ptomaine
    Every time you ride safely in a public conveyance
    Every time the EBT card authorizes a purchase
    Every time you get sick and go to a doctor who treats you effectively without sorcery

  10. They were given a whole freakin’ country as reparations.

    Please go to Liberia and be free from evil white society.

    What’s that? You want whites to be YOUR slaves, in particular, now?

    Yeah, hard pass on that.

  11. $22 Trillion in debt.
    $220 Trillion in “unfunded Liabilities.”
    All to finance the welfare state.
    Reparations, enough.

    Don’t like that? Remember Germany post-Versailles.
    You’ll learn to eat shit and like it.
    Reality takes no prisoners.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Around 1000 years ago, Vikings would routinely raid coastal England and capture locals to sell as slaves to Arabic and Persian slave markets. Since some of my ancestors lived in coastal England, so I demand reparations from Norway, Iran, and all Arabic countries!

  13. Both my wife and I had great grandfathers who fought for the Union in the Civil War. My great grandfather died due to war injuries and my grandfather was orphaned at age 3. At age 8 he left the orphanage to work in a coal mine to support his other siblings. And now I owe the negroes reparations? Phuck them all.

  14. Bubba,
    Nope. It ain’t never enough.
    If the blood of a million ain’t enough reparations, then there ain’t never gonna be enough.
    Like with the government, it isn’t enough to pay, but you have to continue to pay for the same shit over and over again, for the rest of your life (and maybe after you’re dead, too).

    Don’t be bitter – think of it as “tribute.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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