“Black Panther” Actress Letitia Wright singled out in report on Hollywood vaccine mandates – IOTW Report

“Black Panther” Actress Letitia Wright singled out in report on Hollywood vaccine mandates

PM: For Hollywood, no actor is immune to criticism if they are vaccine-hesitant, especially from their colleagues. The Hollywood Reporter singled out Letitia Wright, a leading actress for “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” as an “industry holdout,” citing her unvaccinated status.

“In Wright’s case, a set source says she has espoused similar views about the COVID-19 vaccines on the Atlanta production. The British actress quietly parted ways with her entire US team of representatives in the wake of a backlash over posting a controversial anti-vaccine video in December.” more

6 Comments on “Black Panther” Actress Letitia Wright singled out in report on Hollywood vaccine mandates

  1. This bullshit is separating the men from the boys.
    Those that stick to their guns earn my ultimate respect.
    People need to realize what Trump went through and he still held strong.
    The dividing lines are clear.
    You are either with us or against us.
    Choose your side.

  2. Back in the good old days, Hollywood could usually be counted on to encourage us or at least help us forget our woes for a few hours at the price of a movie ticket. What purpose does this industry serve today? Seriously. They’ve turned all the good guys into bad guys and right no longer triumphs over might. Their message, their “product” is “Hey, it could be worse.”

    I just read a headline today that a popular cable series (can’t remember the name of it) openly equates America’s founding fathers to Nazis.

  3. Who the hell do these people such as has been ” george clooney” think they are . Why is his white privledged Karen a$$ allowed to talk down to a Black Lady as if HE is her Master. Telling her and others that look like her that they are STUPID and stop acting like a child!!!!! Where’s BLM at . Why are they not standing up and defending her . Is it because he’s a celebrity and they want him to like them . Why does a white senior citizen with a keyboard have to defend and respect her choice. Think about that BLM

  4. It is her right to either take or not any drug into her system at any time. People such as woman-beating Sean Penn and token-wife Looney Clooney et al should start advertising and explaining how many times they’ve assaulted or cheated on their mates and how and with whom, including displaying their hiv, hepC, and std test results to the public. Such a thing is no one’s business as it is Ms. Wright’s acceptance or refusal to use any drug and for whatever reason. Govt and the hollow-heads in hollywood cannot be permitted to control anyone’s thoughts or views on any matter as they are nothing but lowlies paid to sing and and dance, then sit down or go home to their irrelevant unimportant lives which no one cares about.

  5. How can they effectively propagandize the masses when some of their voices counter the narrative? Those unwilling to toe the line must be dealt with.


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