Black People In Chicago Are FED UP — “Done With Democrats”, Want To Work With TRUMP! – IOTW Report

Black People In Chicago Are FED UP — “Done With Democrats”, Want To Work With TRUMP!


The Democrat Party is running out of almost anyone remaining in its base!

They lost the Blue Collar Worker in 2016…

And in 2024 the Black Vote is going to go OVERWHELMINGLY to President Trump!

That’s not just my opinion, that’s what the Black Community in Chicago is flat out saying.

They say they’re done trying to work with Democrats and they want to work with Trump instead.

My take?

Setup the meeting! more

11 Comments on Black People In Chicago Are FED UP — “Done With Democrats”, Want To Work With TRUMP!

  1. Optomist or naive take on it. Fickle voter block, nothing you can hang your hat on this far out; true for all blocks. All it will take is another Obama-type, or “Reparations” carpetbaggers, and they’ll come running back to the plantation.

  2. Burn, Loot & Murder, we’s already gots everyting we needs. He should talk to the muslims, thoses mostly peaceful types might come in handy for his next insurrection, Capital 2.0 attack.

  3. I may have told this before. I have a friend that is as conservative as they come, who runs a business in which his clientele is just about 100% black.

    He’s been running this business for over two decades so he’s learned quite a bit about his customers over that span of time. When his customers come in, they get to jawing and he related to me that 90% or more agree with him completely when they get on the topic of politics. Nowadays, they fully support Trump. Now and historically they can’t stand what the Democrats are doing and vow to vote them out by voting Republican.

    After elections, he’s asked them how they voted and they nearly all admit that they voted Democrat.

    Words don’t mean shit. Actions – absolutely. Chicago, blacks and Trump. Two of those words go together. One doesn’t.

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine

    What Trump got?

    Unlike the Demos, Jeffery, Trump didn’t lie to them or talk to them like a field hand (gonna put y’all back in chains)and actually made their lives better.


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