Black People Not Welcome at SJW Workshop on How to Help Black People – IOTW Report

Black People Not Welcome at SJW Workshop on How to Help Black People

Dangerous: If you find yourself in the City of Angels this Saturday consider stopping by an emotional support group dedicated to teaching non-black people “values” and “principles” that will help them better understand their black friends.

Sorry, blacks, this event isn’t for you.

The We Go High Gathering For Allies” Facebook page describes the melanin-exclusionary cry-in as:

“We are celebrating & sharing the benefits of the Emotional-Self Help Support group experience. We reinforce values and principles that form the foundation of the traditional healthy Black family.”

The conference is being hosted by a California Pizza Kitchen waitress named Yvett (Yaria) Coburn & an “urban farmer” named Rashida Hilton. The special event begins at 2:30pm and “**Location address to be disclosed upon RSVP via email only**.”

The race-based lecture makes sure to specify the invitation is for  “White People & People of Color (Other than Black)” and encourages “If you are of African descent, please invite non African descent people to this event,” to learn at their feet and share “possibly any trauma, pain and suffering that resulted in harmful thinking and behavior.”

“All Allies will be asked to share their dominant culture groups prehistory period,” the posting reads. “We’ll explore ways to take any trauma to a healthy, ‘High’ place.”

The two black woman hosting the support group committed to fixing white people plan to undo the “damage” society has done to their white allies. At this event the attendees will confront their faults through a familiar brand of social justice to improve themselves, as the hosts see it. “Come if you are committed to justice, and want to be an Ally to Black people,” the event beckons. More

22 Comments on Black People Not Welcome at SJW Workshop on How to Help Black People

  1. “We reinforce values and principles that form the foundation of the traditional healthy Black family.”

    The breakdown of the aforementioned family structure is the big problem.

  2. This is how communist SJWs want to help black people. Traditional Black family values have become pride in generational crime and sexual baby breeding to get more welfare money–lots more. Punishment for crimes is deemed cruel and racist, so do away with harsh judgments for non-whites.
    Black, Latino caucuses of Maryland legislature oppose comprehensive crime bill

  3. They have an interesting point of view. Here is another one.

    “Since the dawn of history the Negr0 has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.

    His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.

    A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.

    In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.

    With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.”

    –Charles Darwin

  4. They are scared to be honest, they are the weakest folks around.
    They are Lib’s and can’t be heard saying Blacks Scare them, or Blacks
    are often trying to intimidate White’s, like bad Animals with no decorum.
    They are not willing to have their true racist identities revealed, to anybody but other non-Black Liberals !

  5. Are there any sane people left in California?
    Attendance is by invitation only and is free so who is paying for the venue? Are donations going to be solicited? Is Sorus involved? Why is this an issue?
    I don’t feel guilty for being white, nor would I feel guilty for being black, brown, yellow or pink with purple polka dots. However anyone desiring to support this conference does have issues.

  6. Lady in Red.

    Great catch. I used it to illustrate the fallacy behind the video on Milo’s site by the “people of color” who try to create their own reality that Africans are the founders of all things great in the world. I have seen this quote attributed to many people but, unlike the falsehoods promoted on Milo’s video the accuracy of the quote is hard to dispute. Simply look around this country or the world where blacks have been in charge, and one can see a complete “____hole”.

    The BULL these SJW, BLM, La Raza, Cair warriors continue to push is quickly reaching the flashpoint to which there will be no return. When the time comes , we all need to be prepared and ready. These MORONS are too stupid to know when to quit.

  7. JB….Yep, the truth of it is perhaps indisputable, but you should not attribute it to Darwin, if you know better.

    Hell’s bells, I sent it to a friend before….

    The truth is complicated and bad enough. Don’t be part of disinformation. ….Lady in Red

  8. Lady in Red

    I had that quote saved for years on my old computer before it blew up and always believed it to be either Darwin or Kipling as the most likely authors. While searching for it I found it attributed to everyone from this Dixon to the KKK to the Abominable Snowman. Mostly from anti white websites. I chose to keep the acknowledgement to Darwin. No matter who wrote it, one cannot deny the accuracy behind the statement.

    My apologies to your friend.

  9. “All Allies will be asked to share their dominant culture groups prehistory period,”

    Um, it’s pre-historic. Before history. And most of the people there can’t remember what they did last week.

  10. Well, if theyd ben invited theyda just ben tap-dancing an leevin watermelon seeds all over t’place. That an chicken bones ………………. an gettin all drunk oan rouwdy.

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