Black Portland Police Officer Shocked At Racist Things BLM Protestors Scream At Him – IOTW Report

Black Portland Police Officer Shocked At Racist Things BLM Protestors Scream At Him


By Glenn T. Stanton

In one black Portland police officer’s frontline experience, the Black Lives Matter protests in his city are not about helping black people attain better lives. What this officer sees is privileged white kids infiltrating communities that don’t belong to them to burn stuff, break things, cause trouble, incite violence, and tell black people what they should do.

This officer, Jakhary Jackson, is a nine-year veteran of the Portland Bureau of Police. After working for Nike for 10 years, Jackson joined law enforcement to “make the most out of my life by helping others.” Both sides of his family have long Portlandian roots. Jackson works where he grew up, and his love for the people of his community is evident.

A Different Kind of Racism

During a Portland press availability, Lt. Tina Jones interviewed Jackson, simply asking him to share his experience working these protests every evening for the last few months.

I’ll say this. I got to see folks that really do want change like the rest of us, that have been impacted by racism. And then I got to see those people get faded out by people who have no idea what racism is all about, that have never experienced racism, that don’t even know that the tactics they are using are the same tactics that were used against my people.

Jackson tells of a young black woman asking him one evening, while he held the line with protesters, why he wouldn’t talk with her and her friends, why he wouldn’t engage them. He explains that young black people often ask him what he thinks of all the unrest. They want to know what he thinks about the injustice, about George Floyd’s death, about the pain resulting from killings of black men.

It isn’t Jackson’s superiors who demand he not speak, it’s the young white protestors — nearly every night. Jackson explains that when “a brother or sister” approaches him, wanting his perspective on things, white protesters jump in like clockwork to tell the inquirer, “F-ck the police. Don’t talk to him.”

“That was the most bizarre thing,” Jackson says, wincing as he tells the story. more

13 Comments on Black Portland Police Officer Shocked At Racist Things BLM Protestors Scream At Him

  1. The democrats are trying to use the barbarian segment of the population as a tool against Trump. These psychopaths are in this for themselves, to destroy for the sake of destruction and the misery it causes. They are amoral and apolitical. They cannot be controlled. The problems this will cause will be far greater than these bureaucrats can imagine.

  2. He’s a little slow on the uptake. Nothing the subhuman pieces of shit do would even surprise, let alone shock, me.

    They are the worst element of society. Privileged doesn’t even come close. Their sense of superiority knows no bounds. Each and every one of them is a case study in diabolical narcissism.

  3. …meh…I hear Black people in their cars all day, every day, playing raps on very expensive stereo systems where they effectively PAY people VERY WELL to scream EXTREMELY racist things at them all day long, then go home and listen to it some MORE…

    Uh-huh uh-huh, gi-gi gi-geyeah
    Roc-a-Fella y’all, uh-huh uh-huh, Jigga
    Timbaland shit, nine-eight BEYOTCH
    Say what, say what? Uh-huh uh-huh, follow me beotch
    Nigga what, nigga who?
    Nigga what, nigga who?”
    -Jay Z, “Nigga What Nigga Who”

    …don’t act so shocked, Henri, this is probably every DAY in the Black community, just the context is different, is all…

  4. We need a leader to go all Pinochet on them.

    Contrary to the bs you hear about him, Chile was faced with the same things we are.
    He took action and nipped it in the bud.

    There is no coexistance. It’s either us or them. Them being the communists.
    It’s a delusion to think they will ever live under a law abiding society unless their lawlessness is CRUSHED.

  5. Antifa doesn’t care about black lives. Antifa wants socialism/communism. Black anger about Floyd George/George Floyd is just a tool to leverage to achieve their aims of tearing down America.

  6. This shit took hold with these little white bastards when the hand to the backside at home and a wrap on the hand with a ruler at school was replaced with a time out and a safe space. Some people just have to have common sense beat into them. A good ass kicking would probably end 90% of this shit.

  7. Unfortunately this admission of shock smacks of willful ignorance. Not becoming and not really compelling once you invoke lack of knowledge regarding something as fundamental as the base depravity of these subhuman pieces of shit.

  8. Well, officer Jackson, this is a problem that isn’t going to be solved overnight or easily. But we have to start somewhere. You have my permission to beat violent, overly-aggressive and dangerous “protestors” – particularly the paid ones from out of town – senseless. There’s not much we can do with your local politicians – “your people” and a whole lot of liberal whites helped elect those idiots – but at least that would be a start.

  9. “My people” you might have a problem right there? On the other end of things people that are trying to kill you scream abuse when you try stop them. We are at a point where the only thing they understand is pain and bloodshed- theirs. But we live in a world of hurt feeling so you can’t. Why we can’t fight a war, because war isn’t fair.


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