Black pro-life leader considers ‘legal action’ against Christian college for defamation – IOTW Report

Black pro-life leader considers ‘legal action’ against Christian college for defamation

‘Demonstrably false statements about my character’


The College Fix: Ryan Bomberger has been called a “racist” who hates black people. A student activist at Harvard Law School even called him a “fucking piece of shit.”

But the African-American pro-life activist told The College Fix he’s never before experienced what happened to him at a Christian college last month.

Student government leaders at Wheaton College sent a campuswide email accusing him of making “many students, staff, and faculty of color feel unheard, underrepresented, and unsafe on our campus” at a Nov. 14 lecture.

Bomberger spoke at the invitation of the College Republicans. The theme of “Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb,” as usual, was how abortion has ravaged the black community.

Matt Lamb, communications director for Students for Life of America, attended the event and disputed the narrative told by the student government leaders.

Though some people disagreed with Bomberger during the event, nobody seemed angry or upset, Lamb told The Fix in a phone interview: “A lot of questions were challenging his positions” but none were disrespectful.  MORE

5 Comments on Black pro-life leader considers ‘legal action’ against Christian college for defamation

  1. Yer a “racist”!!

    Gee Wally, looks like someone didn’t have a cogent argument.

    Well Beave, not only that, but never Argue with Stupid Crazy people.
    They will only drag you down to their personal level of absolute Suck and beat you with experience!

  2. One of our sons attends Wheaton College and while he didn’t attend the meeting, he never heard of this kerfluffle. For the sake of everyone, I hope the admin can apologize quickly so everyone can move forward. Frankly, this seems like a “tempest in a teapot”. All the best to Mr. Bomberger and his important message!


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